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Old 03 June 2013, 16:26   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Hants
Make: Humber
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 8
2 x 175hp Evinrude FICHT Outboards

2 x 175hp Evinrude FICHT Outboards. These engines came off of a 7.5m Rib and I bought them intending to fit them to a 8.5m Arctic Rib. Unfortunately other commitments (new baby & new house!) meant I had to sell the Rib and these engines have been in my garage for the last 18months. They come complete with all the usual associated items - controls, looms, props etc. They were delivered to me and put straight into my garage. The company I bought them from (a marine maintenance and engineering business) worded the description of them as follows:

Twin Evinrude 175hp FICHT Engines. Long Shaft Engines. Both Power Heads have been rebuilt in the last 18months with no use after rebuilds. New propellors 19" pitch. Twin in dash Morse control units. 2 x oil tanks. Rev Counters. Trim Gauges. Wiring Looms with kill cords and ignition switches. Engines have been serviced. The engines have been resprayed but are still in good condition.

Therefore, mechanically they should be very good (although I cannot offer any guarantee as I have never had them running due to the impracticality of trying to set that up) and cosmetically, they could use a respray!! As you can see from the photos, they have been resprayed but this has been done rather cruedly (overspray and differing coverages), they are now just plain bluey/black - the previous owner did this to make them less appealing to getting stolen. I was planning to respray them back to their original colour (white) and fit new decals had I had carried on and fitted them to the RIB. I can pass on the details of where replacement decals can be bought from. The engines come complete with all the bits and pieces listed in the original description above including original Bombardier control units and keys .

These are taking up much needed room in my garage and therefore they must go.

Now, the important question....price! There were a pair of 150hp models for sale recently on a well known boat site for £6,000 and I paid £4,000 for mine. However! I am realistic and not expecting that back for them and prepared to cut my losses within reason so I would like somewhere around the £3,000 mark for the pair of them which I think is reasonable. I am in Portsmouth – they would need to be collected or I could probably get them on to a pallet if that helps. Viewings are more than welcome, just let me know if you would like to pop round to view them.
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