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Old 14 December 2011, 11:04   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2,693
Just arrived.

Very clean. Short Shaft. Tiller Control used on a small Honwave. Likely to still be in warranty but not sure.

Pictures soon

Price £495

Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
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Old 16 December 2011, 06:07   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: snagglepuss
Make: Shetland
Length: 6m +
Engine: 90 hp Outboard
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 562
If its a 2008 it should be under warranty and have a 3 years left if it has been treated well so a good price, but it must have a FULLY stamped service book from a HONDA dealer .

If no stamps, buyer be where and should not be your back up engine, so I would only buy for a tender if you fancy taking a punt.
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Old 16 December 2011, 07:10   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth
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Originally Posted by clydeoutboards
If its a 2008 it should be under warranty and have a 3 years left if it has been treated well so a good price, but it must have a FULLY stamped service book from a HONDA dealer .

If no stamps, buyer be where and should not be your back up engine, so I would only buy for a tender if you fancy taking a punt.
Well I wondered how long it would take until a petty back-slap came in. Seems by this and the PM's i've had I've upset this Honda dealer by advising another Ribnetter of a good price from a Honda agent, which was much cheaper than this one - Doh! There was me thinking that's what this site was all about, trying to help each other find the best bargains etc. not just a SELL SELL SELL kind of site.

Anyway let me just clear up one thing. Just because a engine may or may not be under manufacturer warranty does not mean it "should not be used as a main engine". Thats not to say this engine has never been serviced. Their could be out less reasons why a books not present, lost, moved, never taken to the service shop etc. plus I never stated if this has or has not got one anyway so your points irreverent and unfair - as nobody actually asked for your opinion where as when I gave that other post advice (which just happened to be cheaper than you) it was asked for! Seems like your trying to get your own back so to speak!

The reason I said unsure on warranty is the Honda agents it came from advised not all agents bought into the 6 year warranty as the same time. Some did in 2007, most by early 2008 and the rest later in 2008. If the engine was bought early 2008 from one that was not yet on the new system then a 3 year warranty applies. Given that (and until I confirm with Honda themselves) I'd rather not mislead a buyer into thinking its got another 3 years left!

Now pick your dummy back up off the floor and bother somebody else. I can see in the very short time you've been here you've already created friction with a couple of members and I'm not going to become another.

Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
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Old 16 December 2011, 08:04   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
Join Date: Dec 2006
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What a twit.

I phoned these guys after they offered what looked like a good price on a set of controls but once I spoke to someone who looked up the price it was much, much more than originally suggested.

If anyone wants Honda parts I would call Tony Hole Marine on 01752 40 70 70
Chris Stevens

Born fiddler
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Old 22 December 2011, 12:31   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth
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Posts: 2,693
Sold! Must be priced well eh Dave!
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Old 22 December 2011, 13:23   #6
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Peter, i don't know who Dave is but my outboards are serviced by cameron at clyde outboards and have been since he opened the shop 4/5 years ago i think it was. i assume Cameron has took on a partner or something along those lines as i've been in quite a few times through work i've had done and never seen anyone else.

i can honestly say Cameron is a good guy and clyde outboards is a good place for assistance in my experience-although again i don't know who Dave is so i assume he is new to the scene.

the business is expanding so quite possible Dave is new to the place but i thought i would throw some backup to Cameron who does the servicing etc and was/is his company so far as i knew. might be worthwhile calling Cameron if you have a problem Peter as i'm sure both companies can live without the hassle?

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Old 22 December 2011, 20:51   #7
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 2,693
Indeed I can. Anyway I consider the matter closed and as such have no need to call them to resolve any issues. DAVE has attempted to apologise (sort of) and that's it. End of.

I'm sure they are very respectful and decent in business. I just did not agree with the way Dave handled things. Anyway no harm done so best of luck to them.
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