I know I aint a trayd Membir .. but I too have done the adwords thang .. and Ive suspended my account at the moment. Ive found they shifted the methods around recently by which sites get indexed or displayed .. and I'm waiting for this to settle before I go back in.
Whilst its true to say it definately increased traffic in the past, it isnt always local traffic, in fact it wasnt often local traffic, and so it wasnt really creating real 'worth' per se .
Ofcourse it all depends on the structure of your business and where you have operations throughout the country .. just saying yes.. it gives a feel good factor once you've learned how to use it, but that doesent necessarily convert into pounds in your till .. and in any event .. because they moved the goal posts on how their own system works (which is a bit naughty) I'll wait to see whether its worth starting up again .. this was a 'not for profit' post

and not a thread Hyjack either .. just that they insist getting your focus is the key and that is very much the case, but working that out is hard enough, and once youve just done it .. they move the goal posts .. cynical me ? nooo ?