I have the following bits for disposal:
1) Light board for boat trailer £10
2) Henshaw inflatable, large tube repair kit unused. £20
3) Henshaw inflatables, foot pump unused. £20
4) 2 off Ocean Safety "Kestral" manual self inflating life jackets. £20 each
5) 1 0ff Helly Hansen buoyancy aid jacket. £15
5) Red ensign 700mm x 380mm unused. £15
6) Large wooded paddle £10
7) Charts of Solent, Chichester Harbour and IoW. £5
9) Navigation instruments. “Breton Plotter”, Parallel rule, etc £15
8) Misc bits of hose, engine mounts, etc
Frank Chambers
82 Blackberry Lane
Four Marks
GU34 5DJ
Phone: 01420 562899
E mail: