I have decided to sell UKPOWERBOAT, this is mainly a brokerage company. I am kinda reluctanty doing this but I don't have time to run it as another business I own running events has really taken off and I just dont have the time to promote or dedicate to UKPOWERBOAT.
I own the following domains which are linked to the website:-
The brokerage site is currently linked to the YACHTMARKET site and can have a feed through to any other major sales site. Very easy to set up a new boat sale.
UKPOWERBOAT has been established for over 8 years now, I am happy to answer any questions. This sale is for the company name and websites etc. There is no ongoing sales currently and any existing agency agreements will have to be discussed with the relevant companies although I see no reason why they could not continue.
Please feel free to contact me on 07885 487777 or email