Dry Stack Racking
Due to relocation of our Dry Stack and the installation of new 4-tier racking,we have for sale our existing free standing, dismantleable, 2-tier racking.
There are 60 bays in total (30 on the ground and 30 in the air) and their design means they can be set up in blocks of 2 / 4 / 8 / 10 / etc. So they are ideal for any yard with limited space.
Racking is available from 12th June 2014 and would give any yard the ability to double the amount of boats they can get on the ground.
Price includes all the galvanised racks with the upper stands and ground floor stands.
Quite specialised I know, but if you know anyone that might be interested, please feel free to pass on my deatils or PM me for further pics / details.
Steve (KB Dry Stack) 023 9283 3166 / 07899 075313
You get what you settle for!