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Old 14 February 2010, 14:02   #1
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Kites and Buggy

I am thinking of selling my Parabuggy gear, for the right price.

I have a Flexifoil Buggy that has been modified for the taller person, but can be easily converted back again. Is small enough to pack down to a largish bag, so is easily transportable (I have taken my gear to the Canary Islands).

I have several Parafoil 4 line kites. A Storm Kite made by Jo Jo and is 1.6m2 in size. This packs loads of power in stormy conditions and have flow this in F7 winds and have gained the fastest speed with this kite. Reaching speeds in excess of 40mph (in another Buggy).

The next size on offer is a Kite I first started off with. An Elliott Ekko at 2.8m2. This is a very easy kite to use and is very stable in gusty conditions. Will give you plenty of confidence.

An Airea ET (Easy Traction) at 4.0m2 is the next size up, this is a more powerful than the Elliott, but is still a stable kite and very easy to get on with.

The last on offer is an Airea Raptor 6.5m2. This is an awesome kite and should be respected. Used in light winds and used when everyone else can't fly their smaller kites. Loads of Power and one of my favorite kites. This is about 25' wide.

These were all current Kites in 2003, but obviously companies and models move on, so there is little info on the web about them unless you visit specific club sites etc.

This is gear I haven't used in recent years and had intended to get the Kids interested in them, Didn't quite work out the way I intended. I used the ET and the Ekko last year with the Buggy, but am 100% confident that the other two kites are perfectly OK.

I also have sand stakes and some other bits and bobs to clear out too, including a brand new XL Maui Magic Aviator Kite surfing Harness.

All together the gear was worth easily over £1500 7 years ago and to be honest I haven't got a clue what they are worth these days, but the equivalent is probably still worth that sort of money or more these days.

I don't really want to get rid of this gear, but have to be realistic that I will probably never use it like I once used to. I've been told by the Missus I have to be ruthless and get rid of many other things too

Anyone that's interested please PM me and we'll have a little chat. Perhaps a swap for a tender and outboard package for the kids?

I'd be happy to demo this equipment to someone that's interested, once a price has been agreed.

Looks Slow but is Fast
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Old 14 February 2010, 17:51   #2
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Are these kites you can use on kite surfers? If so Hayling Island have a monthly car boot sale at the cafe on the beach car park infront of golf club for sails, boards and windsurfing kit, and it gets well supported. I can find out next date if os use.
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Old 14 February 2010, 21:14   #3
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Thanks for the heads up Ian. They are intended as Land Traction Kites as there is no inflatable leading edge.

They are however Ideal for Up Hill Skiing

Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
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