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Old 02 November 2002, 14:23   #1
Country: Greece
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Boat name: GATO DI MARE
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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Looking for SS props in VGC

I would be most gratefull if any one can let me know when can I find the following sizes used props in VGC to fit a Yam 200 VMax and approx prices please

a. 17" pitch SS
b. 19" pitch SS
c. 23" pitch SS and finally
d. 25" pitch SS

also same pitch to fit a Yam 150 FETOL

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Old 02 November 2002, 22:56   #2
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Try here!
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Old 03 November 2002, 08:11   #3
Country: Greece
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Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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Thanks Charles

Thank you Charles. Will be contacting them on Monday 1st thing.

Thanks again!!

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Old 03 November 2002, 11:33   #4
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Hi Manos
Of the three Yamaha outboards I have had I fitted the Solas props (S/S) on all of them. They are marginally more cupped than similar type props and really make a difference, plus they are considerably cheaper than the 'brand names'. Steel Developments are the agents for Solas in the UK.

I also believe that props and similar topics are not a science any more, but rather a scientific art from.
Good Luck ........
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Old 03 November 2002, 14:00   #5
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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Charles THANKS!! :)

Thanks Charles. I have try to set up my RIB for both performace and pull. The 21" SS (on the Yam 200 VMax) that I have right now I think is fine (giving 45-48 knots @ 3800 revs with chopp trim 35%, 4 adults, 70 ltrs fuel, outboard, 2 anchors (10 and 5 kgs each with 30 and 10 mtrs chain respectively and full load of stuff O/B) but I am trying to test another pitch just to see if anything better can happen.
I have the Prop calculation program and it says that I need a 27" pitch but I think tha's rubish I'll go for a 25" and also test a 19" etc.

Thanks again Charles.

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Old 04 November 2002, 20:52   #6
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Just spoke to the people today. SS SOLAS prop for the Yam sells @ £220+Vat+carriage, lookig @the price for the equiv Yam prop @ abt £ 500.00+ I think will get 2 from SOLAS.


I owe you one!!

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Old 26 November 2002, 21:26   #7
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SS props

Hi Manos, What you need is a Torqueshift prop. There are 2 pitch ranges and 2 hub types. 11 to 26" pitch and 14 to 32". Rubber hub and solid hub. Both types work fine. These props vary their pitch while underway. This happends according to prop speed & load. As an example; on my boat, open throttle - load is high - prop stays in low pitch (14) so engine rises to 4700rpm. Boat takes off like a bat out of hell. As boat accelerates, the load on the prop is reducing so the pitch is increasing. The result of this is that the revs stay constant and the boat accelerates up to speed. The advantage is that the engine is giving full (or close to) power all the way up to max speed. In my case max revs is set to 5200-5400. If the throttle was opened fully then that is the engine speed from start right up to max. However, they don't have to be used only in this way. The pitch can be adjusted under way at a steady speed if necessary. If you are cruising, which is what I do, trimmimng out reduces the load and the prop pitches up. Trimming down again, because of hysterisis, the prop remains pitched up and gives the equivalent of changing up a gear. It works very well. If the throttle is opened firmly, the pitch will reduce a bit for acceleration. The hold of the blades is outstanding, you can even surface them and they are happy. Prop breakaway is genuinely a thing of the past. Now then, I'm putting together a new diesel rib and it is using a Volvo dpx drive and, of course, my Torqueshift props won't fit. My spare, solid hub, 11-26 blades is for sale. The other is still on my present boat and it depends on the boat buyer whether it stays there. The boat is not yet advertised for sale. Of course, if you wish to make me a good offer.... I'm looking for less money than 2 solas props (ok props but I wouldn't pay for one.) Go to to read about good stuff. You can download a short video of the prop driving a boat. These props are genuiely wonderfull when setup properly. They are better than I've described. I hope this is of help. Email me at if u'd like to chat. Cheers for now, JW
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