21 November 2011, 22:51
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Mercury 40hp classic 4 cylinder
Been looking at getting a outboard and quite like this model Mercury 40hp classic 1990-1997, so far havnt had much luck finding one that works or runs well, its a 4 cylinder,oil injected,electric start 2 stroke.
Cheers Matt
22 November 2011, 07:41
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theres an ancient (maybe older that you are looking for) 50hp one on gumtree belfast for £130 if thats any good to you?
22 November 2011, 19:43
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hi tomcat
thanks for your reply, the one i am after is between year 90-97 ish,
its a 40hp oil injection 4 cylinder, thanks for you info tho
cheers Matt
22 November 2011, 21:25
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For 'Classic' read 'old stock blueband with oil injection bolted on'-ie, almost exactly the same motor as the one Tomkat linked to, but with a flashy new cover.
Heavy and thirsty. The 3 cylinder 40/50hp Merc/Mariner motors are MUCH better.
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22 November 2011, 22:34
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re ob
Originally Posted by Nos4r2
For 'Classic' read 'old stock blueband with oil injection bolted on'-ie, almost exactly the same motor as the one Tomkat linked to, but with a flashy new cover.
Heavy and thirsty. The 3 cylinder 40/50hp Merc/Mariner motors are MUCH better.
Hi nos4r2
i have come across two of the one i like so far, and ether of them were runners, one had classic on the top, dont think it was on the other one a saw, but they were both oil injection,electric start and gas ass lift. can tell you it has a green band and red band and i think thay were built from 89-97 ish, from what i have heard about them thay are smooth runners and powerful. i am aware of the blue band mercury and i beleave thay are older outboards.
not sure if the one i like came in a 3 cylinder version.
think your right about heavy tho for a 40hp there big motors
22 November 2011, 23:21
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Also sold as a 45hp Motor in the '90s and branded as a 'Classic Fifty', due to it being, as Nos stated earlier, the old 50hp, 4-cyl, Merc 50 from bygone days. It may have squeezed 50hp out at the crankshaft in the red & blueband days, but when standardised propshaft rating came around, it had to be downgraded.
I'd steer clear, unless you want it for some 'classic' project boat.
22 November 2011, 23:26
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In fairness it's a better option than the others you mentioned to me before. One being a late 70's Mariner 40 and the other an old VRO.
Out of the 3 I'd chose the "classic" or "Magnum" for Mariner models. For the money they are decent enough.
Yes as discussed though they are more expensive to run, a bit smoother than the VRO etc. yes it may be based on an older design but that can be said for most Merc built engines, to a point.
I'd rather a 97 Merc 3 cylinder of course but expect to add £500+ on the asking price of the 4 Cylinder you have found.
Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
22 November 2011, 23:29
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Also sold as a 45hp Motor in the '90s and branded as a 'Classic Fifty', due to it being, as Nos stated earlier, the old 50hp, 4-cyl, Merc 50 from bygone days. It may have squeezed 50hp out at the crankshaft in the red & blueband days, but when standardised propshaft rating came around, it had to be downgraded.
I'd steer clear, unless you want it for some 'classic' project boat.
so what was a good mercury model in the 90's the 3 0r 4 cylinder, was looking for sumthing between 40hp to 50. was told there smooth motors
22 November 2011, 23:46
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Originally Posted by arkamelis
so what was a good mercury model in the 90's the 3 0r 4 cylinder, was looking for sumthing between 40hp to 50. was told there smooth motors
The 3 cylinder,non clamshell versions from 1992 onwards.Also sold as a Mariner 50.
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23 November 2011, 07:23
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re ob
any pictures of these outboard ? give me some idear what ones thay are.
23 November 2011, 08:58
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Also sold as a 45hp Motor in the '90s and branded as a 'Classic Fifty', due to it being, as Nos stated earlier, the old 50hp, 4-cyl, Merc 50 from bygone days. It may have squeezed 50hp out at the crankshaft in the red & blueband days, but when standardised propshaft rating came around, it had to be downgraded.
I'd steer clear, unless you want it for some 'classic' project boat.
I am a fan of these engines
BUT for everyday use today, I would go for a newer engine as some have said above in the other posts,
I have had my 1976 Merc 500 from new, still running on original spark plugs !! a good engine in it day but at WOT will use 5 gals per hr & at 5 > 10mph will use 2 1/2 gals per hour
23 November 2011, 11:44
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Originally Posted by arkamelis
so what was a good mercury model in the 90's
Does it have to be a Merc?
Personally, I'd be looking for a 3-cyl Yam or Soozook, but the 50/60hp Merc/Mariners with one-piece cowls, which Nos mentioned earlier are ok too.
23 November 2011, 14:38
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That Mariner 30hp of mine has has arrived. Great condition. 1998, Will be put through its service then be available. It's electric Start, manual tilt. With remotes. PM me if you would like further details
Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
23 November 2011, 14:49
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Or eBay this number 250938523806
Yam 40. Pre mix. Manual tilt. Being sold by a trader. £575 including delivery. You'd have to chance it runs right. Age around mid-late 80's. Looks ok if a bit tatty, has had hood replaced or leg sprayed.
Cheap option ????? I don't know the seller.
Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ askboatsandoutboards4sale@sky.com ~ 07930 421007
23 November 2011, 21:07
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Originally Posted by arkamelis
any pictures of these outboard ? give me some idear what ones thay are.
The one on this, or the same shape 3 cylinder Merc
Or this:-
Mariner 50 HP, two stroke outboard-engine | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
A good power trim Yam 50 3 cyl would be good too.
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23 November 2011, 23:30
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Hi all
thank you for all the info, i have almost brought myself a Mariner 55hp electric start two stroke with gas ass lift, its waiting to have a water pump and impella fitted and its already to go, i got it for a good price and from a marine/boats sales place, thay have tested for compression and good on both cylinders, i beleave its a 1991 model but will find out for sure next week, i also have the option that theres a mercury 40hp 4 cylinder at there workshop that was brought in has a non runner, which if the problem isnt to big and can be sorted thay will get it to good running condition and if i still wanted the 40hp mercury thay will part ex back the mariner 55hp, if at this time i dont want the 40hp mercury there is or will be on offer a mercury 60hp 3 cylinder eptt, which thay would take back the 55hp mariner and for some extra cash i could get the 60hp 3 cylinder, dont know what age the 60hp is, but i did notice on the cowl/cover there was two bands of lines not stickers but moulded plastic lines/bands round the cover, all in all more options in the long run if not pleased with the mariner, talking of which any views on the mariner 55hp, good and bad points ?
23 November 2011, 23:43
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Originally Posted by arkamelis
, talking of which any views on the mariner 55hp, good and bad points ?
Weak gearboxes. Almost every one I see for sale or non-running has lower unit trouble. DON'T stand it on the skeg!
If your boat is rated for the 60hp 3 cylinder Merc, it'll be a far better buy.
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24 November 2011, 15:27
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One wee thing about the 3 cyl Clamshells (although possibly posted too late for this decision!) if you get a late one with retarded spark, re- jetted, higher RPM & no thermostat they are about 100 times less likely to self distruct than the original "blueband" versions.
The one massive good point about those 3 pot clamshells is the weight - you get 60 (or 50) gee gees out a lump that clocks in at 83Kg even with PT  Ypu also get a gearbox on a size par with a Suz DT30, so much reduced drag... Most engines of that ballpark you are looking at 110kg minimum and a gearbox that is shared with the 90 in the range!
24 November 2011, 17:17
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We used to run a 4 cyl 40hp merc classic on the school safety boat from 1991 - 1996, when it was replaced by a 3 cyl Yam 40hp, and the difference was staggering.. the Yamaha was a much better engine and about 1/3 more fuel efficient and gave 3 knots higher top end speed.
That was on a 4m Avon searider.
Advanced Power Boat Instructor
24 November 2011, 19:06
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by badbaws
We used to run a 4 cyl 40hp merc classic on the school safety boat from 1991 - 1996, when it was replaced by a 3 cyl Yam 40hp, and the difference was staggering.. the Yamaha was a much better engine and about 1/3 more fuel efficient and gave 3 knots higher top end speed.
That was on a 4m Avon searider.
i should have gone for that 40hp 3 cylinder yamaha on ebay that the lads surgested. too late now ile be picking the mariner up on wednsday
finger crossed
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