OK, same old pile of bits. If this doesn't shift them, to the scrap bin they will go 'coz I;m fred up tripping over them!
I will now literally preferably swap them for a nominal quantity of beer or just give them away.
Free delivery available:
- Between Glasgow / Aberdeen next week
(sensible-ish diversions will be considered!)
- Down the M74/ A66 / A1 / M11 mid March.
The bits:
1 Clamp / Swivel assy off a Light grey Yam 75 3- ram power trim. Includes steering toob. No bottom section as it was sold with the PT.
Suz DT25/30 later version. Swivel bracket, longshaft leg & lock - down mechanism, tilt tube & clamps. Starboard transom clamp cracked. Someone please take it before I am compelled to find a powerhead for it .....
(can we have a frankenstein smiley?)