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Old 05 April 2016, 21:42   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4,671
Retro Audio Kit

As most of you probably don't know I'm imminently about to move house. So imminent that I might not make Easdale

These two will hopefully appear on Gumtree tomorrow if you want to see pics, but I can type here quickly and need to get some kip so will do the photography thing tomorrow!

AKAI 4000DS Reel to reel Tape deck. Good nick, with cover & instruction book & a few reels of tape which I don't have time to find out what's on them. Probably theatre sound effects or a concert. If I can find it there is a tape splicing kit as well. £50 to you guys. (Ebay they go for between £50-150)

Leak "Stereofetic" FM Tuner - Chassis model, Boxed. Ebay seem to go for £10-£30, so £10 to ribnetters for a quick sale.

Ideally for someone in the central belt as ideally don't want to be moving stuff I don't use any more. Can deliver to Oban area & any sensible place en route from Stirling to there (via Glencoe / Ballachulish is "sensible in my book! ) this weekend, Aberdeen is a possibility if you don't mind picking it up from my work's Workshop in Dyce.
Can also post but I have no idea of the cost of that as I hadn't planned on finding them! - I can find out how much if we can't meet up.

It's amazing what you can fill an attic with!
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