Originally Posted by 9D280
In all seriousness, how well do you know that engine?
We've become good friends over the last few weeks, during which time, I've rescued it from Ingland, given it a nice clean garage to live in (temporarily), introduced it to its new partner (Avon R340 RIB), lavished it with some nice new components and given it a bit of a clean up. I even treated it to a couple of nights with Rowg Waiv, but that's another story.
Originally Posted by 9D280
I killed a clamshell by running it too fast with an advanced spark.....
Serves you right for messing with Mercs.
Originally Posted by 9D280
...and how much do you reckon you can eek out of it? 
Don't know, to be honest, but twood be a nice little project to experiment with. I reckon I can get lots more midrange, but top end improvement is limited, unless I can get it to sing a bit. As It'll be pushing a small, light RIB, more top end revs would be desirable.
Originally Posted by 9D280
I have a CDI if you want to use it for testing. 
If I knew the first thing about what goes on inside those things, then I'd gladly take you up on your kind offer, but it's a different world in there! If I can fiind someone who knows how to work around the rev limiter, I'll let you know.