Thanks to those who recommended a trial fix on the ceised engine I bought for £175.
We soon discovered when taking apart that it has collected water on to one of the cyliners and is totalled as far as repair is concerned.
I contacted the guy I bought it from and he sincerely apologised and blamed the engineer who winterised back in 1999. Hopefully he will honor has word by sending me £175 and also said I could keep the parts, I did offer to sread them all over his nice new driveway!!
So I have several parts for sale, probably easier to mention ebay, search 'DT25CRLX' in 24 hrs for more info or PM me.
1999 Model (serial number: 971765)
Engine Cover
Manual Pull Start
Starter (Tested)
Head (looks ok)
Wiring Loom
Gearbox & Lower Leg (havn't tested - seems ok)
Steering Arm
Oil Tank (pump ceised)
Carbs (full of powdered sand, crystalised salt)
Manual Pull Start Assembley
Mid Leg Section (Longshaft) mounting tilt cradle, will split if needed
Control Box, Key & Control Cables + wiring loom to engine
Various other bits and bobs, seals, plastics, metal etc...
Let me know if you want any wierd bits from the fiche at:-
Cheers Joe - 07967 156768