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Old 05 April 2016, 09:25   #21
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Thanks again for looking in guys.

Iron Dials..Willk is correct ..I normally use a Canon D70 DSLR as I need to get high ISO numbers to get a steady shot in a moving boat. However I also use a small Sony RX100III which took all these photos.

Although it is a has a larger sensor size (and price) than common compacts..which I don’t rate for sea shots.

If you want good sea are best to use an expensive camera.. but I tend to think that is what the camera is for.. not to keep in a safe environment. So saying..I have lost around £3000 worth of various camera gear in the past 10 years. Not a high price for my main hobby..and I have recovered that cost by selling some photos .. so I have no problem with a DSLR in a small boat.

There was not a breath of wind at the junction of Loch Goil and Loch Long ..which are both deep water sea lochs. I often see a pod of porpoise in this area and though I saw them break surface several hundred yards away..but they move fast and only appear I could have been mistaken this time.

from here..I could either travel south towards Glasgow and the Clyde ..or head north towards the head of Loch Long. As I watched .. I noticed the Naval Interception vessel which patrols the Nuclear Sub Base of Coulport ..was also watching me and was now coming towards me. They have had a lot of protesters cause problems from the they tend to check everyone...small boats included.

I was enjoying my decided to go north instead. Its was the lesser of the two evils for me on this beautiful day. I only had to ensure there were no Super tankers leaving their berth at Finnart Oil Terminal...which could swamp me with their wake.

The tanker looked as if was going to be there for a while I cruised up at a steady 6 mph. A wee breeze was now rippling the water nicely..the Guppy didn’t notice it though..she was on rails the whole day.

I landed on the opposite side of the loch from the oil terminal ..because...

I wanted to see if anyone was around a wee house that I sometimes stay overnight. Its a bothy that anyone can use..but its not a busy place. It was I only stayed moments ..before setting off again.

This time I headed back to Loch Goil..and landed on another stone beach where it meets Loch Long. I scoffed the rest of my luch..then like a huge lizard in the sun..spread myself across a large flat rock..and fell asleep. I was a very contented my solitary sea heaven.

When I awoke..I sensed a change in the started back to Lochgoilhead. The loch started to ripple so I tried the Guppy again at WOT..this time she reached 11mph on the plane..into the waves. I presume the waves helped unstick her bow from the water surface.

By the time I landed and packed the Guppy back into the car.. the flags were flying straight out..and the rain was coming over the hills again. Not that I cared.. I had a wonderful maiden voyage ..spent 7 hours between launch and recovery in some fantastic scenery..travelled approx 20 miles by boat..and used 4 litres of fuel.

So if this kind of adventure floats your boat.. and you are wondering which SIB is best for you.. you could do far worse than getting a Boat in a Box (F-Rib).. I thoroughly recommend them.

Thanks for reading
Best Regards
The Gurnard

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.
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Old 05 April 2016, 09:44   #22
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Thanks again for sharing yet anther great adventure
Inspiration to us all
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Old 05 April 2016, 10:30   #23
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+1 ! Gurnard you have a wonderful way with an illustrated story .

Brought back some very happy memories of cruises with Dougie , Brian and co. ( Scotribs )

Please keep up the excellent work.
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Old 05 April 2016, 12:06   #24
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Originally Posted by Iron Dials View Post
I'm an slr user but not keen to wash it regularly in sandy salt water so planning to buy a waterproof version
have you looked at the Pentax K5 or K3's, they're water resistant rather than water proof, they also do a good range of water resistant lenses, worth a look, we've had good results with ours so far, and seems to be have been reliable so far

Used Pentax k-5 Body | London Camera Exchange - Worcester
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Old 05 April 2016, 13:14   #25
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That Bothy looked cool. Who looks after it and who keeps it well furnished. I can't help but feel if that was in Ireland that all of the stuff would have been stolen and some gob shite would spray paint on the wall "Damo woz ere"

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Old 05 April 2016, 13:48   #26
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Brilliant read! Thank you!
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Old 05 April 2016, 15:15   #27
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Originally Posted by two stroke mick View Post

That Bothy looked cool. Who looks after it and who keeps it well furnished. I can't help but feel if that was in Ireland that all of the stuff would have been stolen and some gob shite would spray paint on the wall "Damo woz ere"


Watch and enjoy ... the bothy I showed here in the area..but to protect it from the hooligans ..I have slightly altered its location. The bothys are generally too far for the vandals as they dont like walking..but sadly..some are vandalised on a regular basis

Thanks to everyone for their kind comments..and you can be certain..there will be more Guppy and Gurnard adventures
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Old 05 April 2016, 15:54   #28
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But who pays for the upkeep of the bothys?
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Old 05 April 2016, 16:35   #29
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Cracking first trip gurnard looks like a very worthwhile investment thanks for sharing.

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Old 05 April 2016, 17:55   #30
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Originally Posted by two stroke mick View Post
But who pays for the upkeep of the bothys?
It depends! There are a few dozen which are maintained by the mountain bothy association (MBA). They are an entirely voluntary subscription organisation which looks after bothies with the agreement of the land/building owner. Volunteers do the work so they are mostly just buying very basic materials to keep them water tight etc.

Mountain Bothies Association UK - bothy and shelters in Scotland, England and Wales

The MBA used to keep its bothy locations secret but in the internet age that is impossible so they try to rely on education and difficulty of access to protect them. Most are in areas that take several hours to walk to, and might well be found occupied which makes it an extreme activity to plan ransacking.

Some other bothies are maintained by land owners (estates).
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Old 05 April 2016, 19:23   #31
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>>>I normally use a Canon D70 DSLR as I need to get high ISO numbers to get a steady shot in a moving boat. However I also use a small Sony RX100III

Interesting re the cameras Gurnard. I was a lifetime SLR user until about 15yrs ago and have owned many digital cameras since with the EOS 50D being the peak of DSLR ownership. But I've slipped back to a bridge camera (chosen out of the bridge models for photo quality not flashy specs) for "best" and use (compared to yours) a lowly but very capable Sony digicam for on board use... a cost I'm happy to lose if it was dunked.

But there is no doubt there is just something about those larger sensor images.
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Old 05 April 2016, 19:35   #32
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Great read, thanks for sharing.
Would love a few days on some of those mountain bike trails mixed in with a bit of boating, fishing. Ahh one day.
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Old 05 April 2016, 20:06   #33
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Originally Posted by two stroke mick View Post
But who pays for the upkeep of the bothys?
I'm vastly entertained by TSMs incredulity. He's absolutely correct that they would be ransacked here in a matter of days. I've always been fascinated by them - for the same reasons. I'd happily put a day or two a year into maintaining a bothy in Donegal - but it's pie in my sky.

That said, I'm gonna share something with you all. Tell anyone else and I'm gonna be left with no option other than to hunt you down and kill you...

Port Donegal
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Old 06 April 2016, 00:42   #34
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Really enjoy reading about your adventures from across the pond 😊!!
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Old 06 April 2016, 09:29   #35
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Really enjoy reading your posts, may i esquire what app you are using for GPS on your phone plz.
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Old 07 April 2016, 08:41   #36
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>>>We're trying to slim our load of "essentials" we carry at the moment. Weighed it all today and shocked we carry 42.5kg of kit compared to just having the boat with its outboard and one 10l tank.

Well with a free afternoon yesterday I laid out all our kit on the garage floor and pruned it to an absolute minimum... only saved 4.6kg... but perhaps that offsets a small picnic.
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Old 07 April 2016, 10:49   #37
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Thanks again to everyone for your kind comments..its appreciated

Cardo..the app is longer available it uses OS Landranger maps. The equivallent is now the OS map app itself..Memory Map..I have the whole of Scotland in OS dont bother with charts..the fish finder tells me any depths I want

Hi Fenlander..

My boat box alone weighs slightly over 20kg .. and I cant dump any of it..its all important to me.

No need to spend extortionate amounts of money on waterproof boxes when my local council gives me ideal boxes for free.. well .. I am recycling my Seago Sib it is justified ?

The golf trolley battery weighs half of that..but it lasts a week away from home..before needing recharged.

I have a bailer made from an old plastic oil container ..with a roller boat stuffed in it for storage. Air pump in case of leaks at sea ..anchor and anchor rope..and yup Poly..this one gets used regular..but I wait till its dry before storing again. Radio..PLB.. Fishfinder .. Transducer and transom mount.. gloves..sponge ..and rod holder.. oh .. and the mat stolen from my favourite bar..good for wiping fishy hands on.

It all fits nice and snug with plenty room for my lunch and Guinness gravy

And as I believe everything carried on a boat should have at least two uses.. when the lid is down..its strong enought to sit on..use as a bait table ..and holds the fishfinder and compass..easily detachable as they slide in and out the lid is flat for transporting. I used old Seago PVC to skin all the surfaces on box and wooden floors that I made for the Guppy

I do have to lose weight though. I have been having some severe pains in the gut lately.. had an ultra sound at the start of the week..and found Im riddled with stones in both kidneys and gall bladder.. so I hope to easily match your 4.5 kg weight loss by shedding stones and winter blubber from my body.

Im heading for another adventure tomorrow.. and hopefully with a fishy ending this time ..the rod n reel is going with me this time ..and heading further north than Loch Goil
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Old 07 April 2016, 16:08   #38
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Interesting to see the kit. I seem to have far more spanners, wire, other tools, rope, insulation tape etc... just can't break the habit.

True also that self and Mrs F could do with shedding about 15kg between us!
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Old 07 April 2016, 16:37   #39
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Hi again Fenlander ... I carry the tools in one of the Tupperware boxes on the phone car keys etc in the other. That way I never forget them ..or if I do ..I have to stand.

This shows my final setup..just need to get the auxiliary engine fixed ..then I will try open sea instead of sea lochs. I almost bought a nice 6hp Mariner 4 strokes. Seller said only used twice.. and it was half price of a new one. I left it a day too late was snapped up quick.

The transom dolly wont be getting a free ride tomorrow. .. after launch.. it will be left in the car. That leaves plenty room for any large fish I might catch .. congers are often caught where Im heading tomorrow ..and I want room if I accidentally hook one of them ugly brutes. Im targeting thornback rays tomorrow ..but they will be for the camera..then released. I don’t eat them.

I will update how I get on..on my return.
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Old 18 July 2016, 22:40   #40
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Loving all these trip reports. Many in my local area and places I've kayaked. I've visited the Bothy by bike from Argarten, spent the night surrounded by the Dutch army. Also walked in from the Goil.
Can't wait to get my SIB out n about.
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