Picture quality not great but it's good enough to see what happens - if only they could have got the person/body aboard sooner. A classic example of what a following wave can do!!!
Sadly they were all killed whilst trying to save others...........
On October 15, 1989, in the turbulent waters of
Middle Cove, Newfoundland, three members of the
Canadian Coast Guard, Sr. Eng. Gallien, Chi. Off.
Peddle and LS. Welcher, lost their lives in an
attempt to recover the body of a surfer. As part
of a collaborative rescue operation, they battled
the difficult sea conditions in a fast rescue
craft to come to the aid of a group of body
surfers caught in the rip tide. Advised that only
one man remained in the water, floating face down
near a shoal, they proceeded to him. During a lull
in the waves, LS. Welcher was able to grab the
victim but, at that moment, a large swell caused
the craft to capsize, throwing all hands into the
foaming waters. Sr. Eng. Gallien was seen hanging
onto a rock and an attempt was made to rescue him;
however, it was unsuccessful.
The FRC {fast
rescue craft} they where using had water jet
propulsion, and was determined later that this
type engin system was very bad in rough waters, it
would loose power and maneuverability when the aft
end of the boat lifted.I was a member of the
underwater recovery team, as best as I can
remember no bodies of the Coast Guard SAR-techs
where ever recovered, only the divers body was
recovered. This happened just outside of St. Johns
NL, many years ago.