well bethany had to get out on the the water some time and with wayne rogers offer of candy floss and a offer to me for a ride in obsession. we left levington at about 11am this morning for a trip but then we reached the the northsea. we found it very choppy but waynes boat jumped through the lot
after half hour or so of wave jumping. bethany wanted some candy floss so we headed over to harwich for a cup of tea and some candy floss no candy

so we had a cup of tea and then took her out again to keep her intrested 63 mph god she loved it. so did i i can,t beleave the speed that boat goes and the finish that would not look out of place on a gin palace.
the the sound system is better than my cars with six speaker

we could have a rave and if its a bit dark the deck lights let you know where to put your feet and the consul would not look out of place on a boeing 747
wayne your boat is the dogs bits
here are the pics i took to day