Was out this Sunday for one of the busiest days of the year.The labor day 3 day weekend is the "end of summer" for a lot of Californians. Boats are put away ready for the cold weather ahead(Mid 70's

So my buddie was taking a charter out to La Jolla for snorkelling and so I decided to tag along.
Leaving the channel and into the open ocean gave me the chance to get some action shots. Just offshore we came across some kite surfers.
Now just who has right of way
At La jolla the water was sheltered and ideal for the kayakers to raft up and go snorkeling. They seemed to be attracted to our RIBS

A lot more stable than what they were in!
Two rare sightings! One of a sea turle that just submerged as I swung around.Honest it's there really

and then a Baywatch girl being towed around.Anyone need rescuing
On a little more serious note , on the way back, spotted a PWC user being a real idiot

Glad to see the boys in blue ,quickly put an end to that

Breathalised on the spot and carted away.Carries same severity as driving a car while drunk over here.
cheers dal