Many thanks for the kind words guys. I do hope my videos help others to see the west coast of Scotland as it really is. They illustrate launch points for small boats and wild campsites that I use all round the west coast from the Solway to Loch Laxford in the far North. IMO .. That information is priceless to small boaters as it is not well known information. It is by using these "hidden" places that I find I can go round the exposed islands of the west coast in my inflatable boats. many of you think you know the Easdale area well ?
If you think you do.. did you know there is a lovely sheltered natural/abandoned man made slate harbour offering a great wild camp place ? I have asked a few locals .. and none of them knew of its existence . ..yet its a perfect harbour ..sheltered behind a reef and at high water the boats are well off the exposed coast
A little known abandoned harbour at low water.
I will add the round Jura trip to this thread when I eventually get the video made..its in a long waiting list of videos it may be a while.
Thanks again for watching and for the comments..its appreciated
