Hi folks
When it first turned up on the trailer my first reaction was Ugg, its a bit bigger then I thought it would be.
But a few months on a a few sea miles, many rough it seems to be getting smaller by the month.
Saying that I think its big enough to do anything I am likly to want to do.
The only thing I would have changed is have gone for a cubby console, giving somwhere to sleep when you get where your going.
Well the antifouling, it was a gamble

but I think its paid off.
Been aflote for about 10 months now and the only thing on the hull was a little slime which came of with ease with a soft scrubbing brush and a press ganged child

I dont know what Fleetwood is like in general but areas which I did not antifoul, fouling was quite heavy.
Took a hours or so to clean off the ourdrive, think a power wash is in order next time.
Well the drive oil refill.
Though their must be somthing as I could not see dealers doing what we did. Does anyone know what thread is in the drain plug ?.
If I could find out I will make some filling adaptors up, bet their is a good market for a few quid each

, bet I lost alsmot that in oil, most of it going over me

If no one knows thread I will measure next time its oil change time.
To fill it we used one of the oil guns That I use to drain mt engine oil, but in reverse. Holds about .75L so didnt take that many.