16 October 2011, 18:24
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Dog Rescue
Out along the Jurassic Coast today on a Private Charter. One of the clients askes us to stop and go back as he thinks he saw a a dog. This was about half way between Durlston Country Park and Dancing Ledges, a remote spot and not one that a lot of boats pass by at this time of year. So we go back and sure enough, there is a Spaniel type dog sat on the rocks. It looked un-injured, but we were not able to approach without putting our own vessel in danger.
We backed off so as able to get better RTF coverage with Portland Coastguard. Eventually the ILB from Swanage arrived on scene and quickly rescued the dog and taken back to Swanage.
So in 2 seasons, our tally is 2 boats, 2 deer and 1 dog
16 October 2011, 19:20
Country: UK - England
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Statisticaly wise from what i remember the vast majority of ( DOG OVERs) falling off cliffs are of the spanial
breed. suppose bred as gun dogs they see a seagull and go for it ,,regardless.
only last week i was teaching youngsters about the perils of keeping safe on beaches and cliff tops ,,giving them the advise about having dogs on a lead and being held by an adult and not a small child when walking on cliffs .
sadly not all survive as happend when redcar lifeboat was called out to one the other week
16 October 2011, 19:42
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Great outsome....Nice work
Had nobody called it in as missing? Has a collar on......
I've had two dogs off cliffs this year.....a mahoosive Bull Mastiff (superficial cuts only) and an Irish Setter who fell down into a sea cave (broken leg only).....agree with Martin though, having always had Springers growing up....they are properly stupid (but lovely)....
16 October 2011, 19:55
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Brilliant..........stroke of luck it was spotted (especially at this time of year) otherwise i fear the worst foor the poor little fella, great work by all, especially the RNLI who do a sterling job.
16 October 2011, 20:25
Country: UK - Wales
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Great work! Even better spot!!! Saw your post on FB.
It wouldn't hav lasted long at this time of year.
16 October 2011, 21:48
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Wow .. thanks guys  .. I'd be worried to hell if I lost my spaniel ... glad to know you boys think this is that important  .. I'd go the mile to save any person for sure ..and I know a hound doesent rate for many ..but they do to me.. mine is my best working buddy 
16 October 2011, 22:36
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Wow .. thanks guys 
Does that include the two deer they rescued and released too?
16 October 2011, 22:45
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by willk
Does that include the two deer they rescued and released too? 
Course not  I'd have shot those fookers ...
16 October 2011, 23:16
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Well done 250kts  . Thats a nice wee dog. If it's owners don't show up theres a home for him up here. My Brittany could do with a boat buddy.
16 October 2011, 23:34
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Course not  I'd have shot those fookers ... 
Yes, my wall says that you are not a fan of the Cervine race :-)
17 October 2011, 08:15
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Good work Steve . It was nice out over the weekend . I was having cake and eating it again on Nestor .
Kepp it up ( and the charter stuff !  )
17 October 2011, 09:19
Country: UK - England
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Well done Steve, I saw the RNLI going to this shout I think, I was staying at Anvil Point Lighthouse over the weekend and spotted a small RNLI rib going past close inshore.
Must be a weekend for dogs, while walking along the south coast cliff path from Anvil point in the direction of Dancing Ledge I heard a dog barking and whimpering, I risked my neck to climb round some rocks on the cliff top to where the sound was coming from and found a very large dog which wasn't happy at all tied to a rock, judging by the fact there was a pile of three persons clothes and shoes nearby and a rope dangling down the cliff face I came to the conclusion there were climbers on the cliff face. So all was well but I found it disturbing they would just leave their dog barking and whimpering on the cliff top. I expect at some point if they do this regularly someone might call the coastguard for this. People don't think.
P.s. If anyone enjoys walking then staying at Anvil Point lighthouse is a great base to explore the dorest coast. www.ruralretreats.co.uk
17 October 2011, 09:25
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Originally Posted by boristhebold
Well done Steve, I saw the RNLI going to this shout I think, I was staying at Anvil Point Lighthouse over the weekend and spotted a small RNLI rib going past close inshore.
Must be a weekend for dogs, while walking along the south coast cliff path from Anvil point in the direction of Dancing Ledge I heard a dog barking and whimpering, I risked my neck to climb round some rocks on the cliff top to where the sound was coming from and found a very large dog which wasn't happy at all tied to a rock, judging by the fact there was a pile of three persons clothes and shoes nearby and a rope dangling down the cliff face I came to the conclusion there were climbers on the cliff face. So all was well but I found it disturbing they would just leave their dog barking and whimpering on the cliff top. I expect at some point if they do this regularly someone might call the coastguard for this. People don't think.
P.s. If anyone enjoys walking then staying at Anvil Point lighthouse is a great base to explore the dorest coast. www.ruralretreats.co.uk
Just found out someone did report the large dog ...
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Saturday - Two jobs and the hound from hell.
Following an 'odd job' this morning the team were called to Guillemot Ledge, about 200m east of Dancing Ledge. A worried member of the public called to say a dog had been left at the top of the cliff and was distressed; a pile of clothes were close by. At first it sounded like a bad job. Fortunately it transpired that there were two climbers below and the dog was safely attached to the top acting as a guard dog for their kit.
Nick described the dog as the hound from hell with big teeth, sharp claws and.....yeah yeah it was a brown lab with a waggy tail. It seemed to like Brian but took a dislike to poor Nick.
The climbers were fine and the dog carried on doing its guarding. A well intentioned call so back to base.
17 October 2011, 11:34
Country: UK - England
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Got a call this morning from a very grateful owner. Apparently the dog went missing at about 0930 chasing after a deer. He did not think that the dog had gone over the edge and so spent hours looking all over the cliff tops and fields. He owns a fishing boat in Swanage and was about to take the boat around when the ILB came back in with it.
We found it at baout 1630, so had been on the rocks for a while.
I do understand fully, that any rescue service should/will not put humans lives at risk for an animal, but the conditions were quite calm and a rescue carried little risk. The lady at the Coastguard was a little curt when I said a rescue by the ILB would be a simple task. "Thats for me to decide!"
17 October 2011, 11:53
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A happy ending!!!
17 October 2011, 11:58
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by 250kts
The lady at the Coastguard was a little curt when I said a rescue by the ILB would be a simple task. "Thats for me to decide!"
They can be like that... ...actually its for the RNLI Launch Authority to decide and the ILB helmsman on the day - she can only ask them! Still next time you have a suggestion you'll keep it to yourself and she can interrupt the cliff rescue team's afternoon and spend a fortune on helo fuel too...
I do understand fully, that any rescue service should/will not put humans lives at risk for an animal, but the conditions were quite calm and a rescue carried little risk.
I'm no great animal lover, but it takes little persuasion that (1) its the right thing to do anyway and (2) if you don't do it the owner / some other well meaning sole will put themselves in danger trying to get to it - so best to deploy the resource on the mutt rather than a major search for the owner who fell down the cliff / in the sea.
17 October 2011, 15:29
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18 October 2011, 20:30
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Well done 250 knts,
Just seen you deer rescue on Mayday Mayday!
excellent spot!!!
18 October 2011, 20:36
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by PeterM
Not quite my words, but at least they mentioned the company
18 October 2011, 20:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Hamble
Boat name: Worth the wait
Make: Parker
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Engine: Outboard
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Posts: 1,446
Originally Posted by Crusher
Well done 250 knts,
Just seen you deer rescue on Mayday Mayday!
excellent spot!!!
Bugger, missed it
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