Originally Posted by Cookee
I believe due to its depth it never freezes but that also keeps the water at a fairly chilly temperature all year round?
2nd deepest lake in the US (behind Crater Lake in Oregon); Used to be (as I recall) the clearest in terms of water clarity, though that may be changing due to siltation from development and other pollution sources.
You are correct in that it doesn't freeze; supposedly the depths are so cold that decomposition of tissues slows such that gas formation is retarded, meaning dead bodies don't float back to the surface.
The shallows, however, warm up nicely in summer; I remember swimming off a few beaches when I was younger, and the water temps were reasonable for a kid, in the upper 60's or so. The depths, though, never really change much, remaining at about 39 degrees Fahrenheit.
With regars to boating, Tahoe is one of (last I knew) 2 lakes in California that has an outright ban on "high emission" engines, specifically carbureted and EFI 2-strokes. DFI 2-strokes are allowed, at least on Lake Tahoe.
Most recently, an inspection program has begun for trailer boaters: In order to avoid infestation by zebra and quagga mussels or other aquatic invasive species, each trailer boat launching must undergo an inspection to ensure they are not carrying mussels, certain snails, or various invasive algaes. The cost of the inspection is (IMO) quite high: $30 to $125 depending on the vessel (it appears that my 18' RIB with a Yam F115 would cost between $40 and $120 if found to be AIS-free, depending on whose website you believe); if found to need decontamination, the cost of any necessary cleaning is extra (and, if I say so myself, the dollar amount is kept pretty well hidden.)