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Old 22 March 2005, 21:03   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Faversham, Kent
Boat name: C Rider
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Foggy Solent

Went down to Portsmouth for the weekend with Kent Scouts. We stayed on HMS Bristol and went cruising round the Solent. Hit some pretty serious fog on the Saturday whilst the UK was bathed in sunshine.

Had a fantastic weekend though.

The ribcraft belongs to Kent Scouts. Me and my boat is the furthest away in the first frame.

Blue skies.
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Searider - The Best 5.4 x Far
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Old 22 March 2005, 21:05   #2
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Cool Photos Swifty

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 28 March 2005, 13:13   #3
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Originally Posted by Swifty
Went down to Portsmouth for the weekend with Kent Scouts. We stayed on HMS Bristol and went cruising round the Solent. Hit some pretty serious fog on the Saturday whilst the UK was bathed in sunshine.

Had a fantastic weekend though.

The ribcraft belongs to Kent Scouts. Me and my boat is the furthest away in the first frame.

Blue skies.
nice fotos
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Old 28 March 2005, 14:41   #4
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I used to be a sea scout years ago, was a member of I think 23rd sea scouts in southampton (under the itchen bridge, city center side).

I also stayed on the HMS Bristol, and did my rya level 2 there with my old scout leaders.

The marching up to get breakfast in the morning was the only annoying bit, the rest of the time we were out on the champs and whalers they had there.

Is the boat still in Whale Island?
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Old 28 March 2005, 18:40   #5
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looks like a nice day out with great british weather to boot

ps don,t tell the kent sea cadets that the scouts have a nice ribcraft
have you seen thair kit at herne bay i think the life jackets they had where from the war

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Old 28 March 2005, 19:59   #6
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Daniel TD5

looks like a nice day out with great british weather to boot

ps don,t tell the kent sea cadets that the scouts have a nice ribcraft
have you seen thair kit at herne bay i think the life jackets they had where from the war


Ref your comment, due to the way this country is going ie everyone wants to sue the backside off of everyone. All seacadets that have not passed the swimming test have to wear 150 newton MOD issue lifejackets that are tested every 6 months. They may look crap but at the end of the day they do their job. Our regulations are a lot tighter than the scouts as we are not allowed to use any other lifesaving equip than that issued by MOD otherwise our insurance is invalid.You may also like to bear in mind that every sea cadet unit is a charity in its own right and are NOT funded by MOD(RN).
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Old 29 March 2005, 08:34   #7
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Originally Posted by Paul F

Ref your comment, due to the way this country is going ie everyone wants to sue the backside off of everyone. All seacadets that have not passed the swimming test have to wear 150 newton MOD issue lifejackets that are tested every 6 months. They may look crap but at the end of the day they do their job. Our regulations are a lot tighter than the scouts as we are not allowed to use any other lifesaving equip than that issued by MOD otherwise our insurance is invalid.You may also like to bear in mind that every sea cadet unit is a charity in its own right and are NOT funded by MOD(RN).

i am backing you i can,t see why our youth orginisation are so under funded
it seem the sea cadets seem to be left out of any funds the ACF are supported by the army and have access to all the kit free of charge
as you say the bigger you are the more money you get the scouts have access to grants and so on

i think all youth orginisation should be funded from central goverment
giveing more support to our kids

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Old 29 March 2005, 09:17   #8
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Faversham, Kent
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Originally Posted by benc
I used to be a sea scout years ago, was a member of I think 23rd sea scouts in southampton (under the itchen bridge, city center side).

I also stayed on the HMS Bristol, and did my rya level 2 there with my old scout leaders.

The marching up to get breakfast in the morning was the only annoying bit, the rest of the time we were out on the champs and whalers they had there.

Is the boat still in Whale Island?
Oh yes the walk to breakfast can be a bit grim, especially when wet and cold. Bristol is still there and it seems to be full and in demand still. She is getting a bit tired though. The steel hull is rusting away quite badly and she has an unsure future. They are seriously looking at scrapping her because the hull is so bad. She's been into dry dock where thay plated up some bad bits but she still has bilge pumps running 24/7.

Must say that the boating facilities there are first class. We normally take our own big ribs in as they are not really equipped in that department.


PS we have a web site which outlines most of what we do see Kent Scouts
Searider - The Best 5.4 x Far
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Old 29 March 2005, 16:17   #9
Country: UK - England
Town: Herne Bay
Boat name: Rotary Rescue
Make: Pacific 22
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Originally Posted by Daniel TD5

i am backing you i can,t see why our youth orginisation are so under funded
it seem the sea cadets seem to be left out of any funds the ACF are supported by the army and have access to all the kit free of charge
as you say the bigger you are the more money you get the scouts have access to grants and so on

i think all youth orginisation should be funded from central goverment
giveing more support to our kids

Thanks for that,yep the ATC and ACF are part funded by MOD, Sea cadets had that chance many many moons ago but decided against it as every time there are defence cuts the army and air cadets get hit aswell, alas they have no proper uniform any more andtheres another round of cuts coming up.

Yep Bristol is wearing a bit thin underneath, there is a very very strong rumour that in the next few years that it may get replaced by a carrier(berthed a bit further down and all the pontons removed where the diving boats are, like to see the risk asses. for the flight deck.
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Old 29 March 2005, 17:23   #10
Country: UK - Wales
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Reading this thread brought back some good memories, I stayed on HMS Kent a few times which was there before the Bristol, and your right the march to breakfast was a pain, but I would thoroughly recommend the sea cadets/ sea scouts to any young person, it gives you a really good grounding in all aspects of boating.
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Old 29 March 2005, 20:43   #11
Country: UK - England
Town: Herne Bay
Boat name: Rotary Rescue
Make: Pacific 22
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mermaid 160
MMSI: 235021725
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 328

HMS Kent went to razor blades, but the one before that is still afloat.
Hows the boat,where did you stick extra batteries.
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Old 30 March 2005, 19:59   #12
Country: UK - Wales
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The Boat is going well thanks although I have probably given myself the kiss of death now!
I havent fitted any extra batteries though???
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Old 30 March 2005, 21:36   #13
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Originally Posted by Paul F
Thanks for that,yep the ATC and ACF are part funded by MOD, Sea cadets had that chance many many moons ago but decided against it as every time there are defence cuts the army and air cadets get hit aswell, alas they have no proper uniform any more andtheres another round of cuts coming up.
I regularly help out with a school Combined Cadet Force, which has an Army, Navy, and an RAF section. All 3 are primarily funded by the Army, but get a little bit back from the "parent" services for camps and courses etc. The Navy courses are always popular, as some of our kids have gone off and done PB2 courses over 5 days paying only £16 (to cover food!) with even a rail warrant thrown in! It is noticeable that the Army sections have an adoptive regiment (we're Royal Artillery) and get quite a lot of input etc, whereas the RAF and Navy seem to be barely tolerated on base visits etc. It's certainly true that the Army cadets get issued more kit, mainly because they get more support. It also helps that it's a fairly respected South London Private school, so for the most part the kids parents are minted, and don't mind paying over the odds for camps and courses.

On the other end of the scale, Gravesend Sea Cadets now operate out of my home sailing club in Gravesend, and their boss has certainly put a lot of work in getting the only 2 bosuns they could get from a wrecked status up to a fairly nicely useable one, because they don't have the funding to get anything that's reasonable to start with. They were lucky enough to get a 4m Searider from eBay, but despite the fact that they aren't funded by the Navy, they still have to abide by the navy rule that says they must fit a prop guard, which hits the speed and economy. They're one of the better equipped cadet units, but the lifejackets they use are still the same old ropey looking ones! Better funding would really help them, especially as their membership is currently around 25, and a good strength would be more than 6 times that.

I had the time of my life as a cadet, and I think it's really sad that it's become so restrictive with what you can and can't do. When we go on exercise, in addition to our safety manauls we have to carry as adult officers, we also get a folder containing between 10-30 pages of itemised risk assessments, which have to be done for each camp.

The problem partly stems from the fact that a lot of people don't understand the risk assessment process. It's not so much about not doing something "because there's a risk" (a bit of controlled risk is actually quite a good thing, in my book) risk assessments are about identifying risks, and ensuring that you are aware of them, and take the necessary precautions. People aren't superhuman, and you can't protect against everything, you can just be aware that it's there. To call something off because of a dangerous hazard is fair enough, to call something off because there is a miniscule chance xxx might happen is just daft.

I will always happily remember while I was working as a skivvy at my old school I was asked to take a Risk assessment for a trip to London from a teacher to the Deputy Master. The Risk assessment only contained 2 items, 1) Risk of international terrorist bomb, 2) risk of stepping in dog poo. Classic!

Ref: the suing the backside of everyone comment, that's very true. It doesn't matter who was a fault, whether anyone was actually at fault or not, any of that, the important thing is that someone must be blamed, and someone must pay for everything. In genuine cases of misinformation or neglect, then fine, but people seem all too ready to point the finger at anyone, even if they did all they could.

Phew, just read all that, and it looks like I'm having a real rant. I'm a nice person, honest! I'm studying Disaster Risk Management at Uni, so risk assessments etc are a topic fairly close to my heart, and having experienced lack of cadet group funding first hand, I feel strongly about all that too!
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Old 31 March 2005, 08:17   #14
Country: UK - England
Town: Nr Faversham, Kent
Boat name: C Rider
Make: Avon
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 80
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Posts: 513
There seems to be some genuine heartfelt comments coming out here. I don't know many people who have something bad to say about scouts or cadets. They all do a fantastic job offering opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach.

I am organising a RIB cruise for Scouts and leaders and have to prepare a risk assesment for taking Scouts into class A waters (A scouting definition of more than 3 miles!). I am not begrudging this at all and it is part of life. But what will be demanded of me in 3 or 4 years time?

Searider - The Best 5.4 x Far
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