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Old 09 October 2005, 23:26   #1
Richard B's Avatar
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
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Great day... 'specially for October!

Just got back and edited the video from today's trip around the IOW.


Sorry it's 33MB!
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Old 10 October 2005, 07:28   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Torquay
Make: Bayliner
Length: 5m +
Engine: I/B 3L
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Posts: 395

You do some great videos Richard
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Old 10 October 2005, 08:20   #3
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Another top quality production from the studio's of Blue Ice

Enjoyed that. Nice one Richard

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Old 10 October 2005, 09:58   #4
Richard B's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
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Thanks for the feedback Rupert & Martin!
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Old 10 October 2005, 10:19   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Wilmslow
Boat name: Serotonin
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mariner 15
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 712
Great movie especially the soundtrack. The last time I visited the IOW was 40 years ago on school camp. Must go again remember dying laughing at someguy trying to water ski but only ending up going head first into the drink, didn't laugh so much when he chased us off the beach though and the other memorably event was throwing a fishing line out and getting the fish hook stuck in my finger ouch
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Old 10 October 2005, 10:47   #6
Country: Other
Town: Hayle, Kernow
Boat name: Spare RIB
Make: Narwhal
Length: 5m +
Engine: 130 Yam Outboard
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Posts: 642
Nice movie Richard, looked like a a great day out.

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Old 10 October 2005, 11:21   #7
stingray's Avatar
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Make: ring 685
Length: 7m +
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what a radiogram!!!
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Old 10 October 2005, 11:35   #8
Andy Moore's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes, Isle of Wight
Boat name: TiLT 2
Make: Avon Adventure 620
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 135
MMSI: 235032203
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You should have stopped off at Ventnor for an ice lolly!
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Old 10 October 2005, 11:36   #9
Richard B's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,015
We did!
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Old 10 October 2005, 11:59   #10
Hugh Jardon's Avatar
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Make: Sealine F43
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it was the perfect day for it, and looks like you had a good run, was out there with richard w otherwise i would have loved to join you, hopefully next one

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Old 10 October 2005, 12:31   #11
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
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So that's 4 times I've been out in a rib this week... 3 times in mine and once in yours.

The water was nice that day.

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Old 10 October 2005, 12:38   #12
SteveHall's Avatar
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Length: 6m +
Engine: 175hp e-tec
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Amazing Video.
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Old 10 October 2005, 13:03   #13
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate
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Posts: 57
What a cracking video and soundtrack.

Here I am sitting in my office, crappy Monday morning and I see that.
I don't know whether it has p***ed me off or brightened up my day?????
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Old 10 October 2005, 16:02   #14
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Barmouth
Boat name: Blue Marlin
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yanmar 315/Bravo 2X
MMSI: 235020218
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Posts: 827

What do you use to take the video footage, and what do you use to edit it together afterwards?

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Old 10 October 2005, 22:06   #15
Richard B's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
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Posts: 5,015
Thanks again for the feedback!

It's great to brighten up a few people's day and share the journey.

Dylan, I've had another question about making the videos, so here's a brief "how to" from my point of view. Please bear in mind that I'm no expert at this and it all happened by accident!

Equipment is a Canon Powershot A40 in a Canon WP-DC200s Waterproof case which I originally chose for stills photography based on well informed recommendation from Brian Elliott. It's a 2 megapixel unit which is great for stills, but I believe that in video mode the resolution is lowered. I have a 256MB and a 1GB CF card as well as the rather stingy 8MB card supplied with the camera.

Canon's new range have a much better specification than my two or three year old model, but I don't know if they all have movie mode - check first if you're a prospective purchaser.

I decided to try out the video mode on the camera in May this year and was pleasantly surprised by the results. The main problem is that inside the housing, it's almost impossible to use the viewfinder, and I have to rely on the LCD screen which uses batteries at quite a rate. So when it's good weather I leave it out of the case. With the Powershot A40 it's not possible to zoom during shooting, you have to set the zoom first. As a consequence of this, most of the filming is done in default wide-angle mode (the more you zoom, the more vibration will blur things) and if I shoot whilst driving, the filming is done "blind" like paparazzi style!

Downloading the video to PC is done in the same way as the stills photos, just giving you a collection of AVI files along with the JPGs. You can view these AVI files directly in Windows Media Player, but joining them up requires additional software. I've used Windows Movie Maker which comes with XP Home, so it's free! It's also very easy to use. If you can't find it in your menus, click on start, then click on Run... and type moviemk.exe into the box. If you need to download it, you can battle your way through the maze of Microsoft's or get it somewhere like here.

With Movie Maker, or other software, you can join the clips together (note that some cameras like mine have a limited length of movie clip that they can do, about 20 seconds IIRC). You can cut out the mistakes and shots of the sky, sea and your passenger's backside that you didn't mean to video (honest!) You can mute the recorded sound track (wind noise and passengers screaming). Finally you can add music. Remember to save the project as you go along as Movie Maker can crash, usually when adding special effects or transitions.

Once you've finished the movie use the "Save to my computer" wizard in the default (best quality) resolution which will give you a .WMV file.

The last step is to upload to a server and publish a link. You may have free web space with your ISP depending on the deal, but you'll find that space gets used up pretty quick. I have this with my ISP and a subdomain on BenC's server. You could contact him (I haven't heard from him for a while), but if you can't get hold of Ben I am intending to get some hosting arranged at a very competetive rate. Methods for upload can vary for each service provider, so I won't cover this in detail here. Let me know if you need more info, or look at the details I posted in an earlier thread and Roy Cruse added some helpful stuff.

Finally you can add an index page to your web space, and/or publish a link here on RIBnet. But this will be a few hours along the way for your first video, so that's enough for now. If you need help, let me or one of the other IT types (Roy Cruse, Alex Brown, codprawn and others) know and I'm sure the info will be supplied more plentifully than you ever expected.

Good luck with it, and I hope to see some great productions soon.

Footnote: I am at the point of replacing my Canon A40 with a "proper" video camera, and in fact I got as far as buying a Sony DCR-DVD202E. Unfortunately it was a disaster, although I did find out how good Dixons' customer care is (I bought it in the duty free shop at Heathrow, so I don't know for sure that all stores do this) and they have refunded it as it's not fit for my purpose. I'm now looking at the right DV video camera for me (not DVD this time!) and I'm finding that the ideal one doesn't exist.
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Old 10 October 2005, 22:43   #16
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
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Posts: 12,791
Try the 3 chip panasonic ones - they are pretty good. If you can get something with optical image stablisation built in - hell of a difference!!!
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Old 10 October 2005, 22:53   #17
Country: UK - England
Town: liverpool
Boat name: summer
Make: tornado
Length: 5m +
Engine: 115 yam outboard 2st
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very good ill be going to the iow cheers for the insight stedj
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Old 10 October 2005, 23:00   #18
Richard B's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
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Posts: 5,015
At the moment I'm considering a Sony DCR-HC90E. My main criteria are the availability of a waterproof case (Sony seem to be the only ones who do this at a decent price) and iLink (firewire) connection. Most Sony camcorders seem to have steadyshot - I don't know if this is proper image stabilization?

Hi Stedj - let us know when you're coming down and Fred Bolton - otherwise I'll have to come and terriorize the Northwest Ribsters one day!
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Old 11 October 2005, 00:51   #19
Country: UK - England
Town: Newquay, Cornwall.
Boat name: None :(
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Length: 5m +
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Posts: 1,280
nice video - i havnt been to the IOW since i was a very small child - i would love to do that trip around it - especially on a great day like that.

problem is its a fair way up for me to travel.

if i attempt it by boat from falmouth - it will be 160 miles before i even get there - which will require an overnight stay somewhere and probably limit the number of people wanting to come along with me.

if i drive up - im still going to need to stay overnight somewhere but with the boat on a trailer. not sure i like the idea of leaving my boat in a travel inn car park over night !!!

any suggestions of places to stay/moor/launch/park/etc for either option would be great - and ill try and plan a trip one weekend next summer.
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Old 11 October 2005, 07:29   #20
Richard B's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki 115hp
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Posts: 5,015
Roy, there are a couple of good options for launching and trailer storage. One is Lymington - The Yacht Haven Marina is good for parking and storage, also Berthon Marina at Lymington will do this, and there is a good public slip less than half a mile away. There's a B&B in Lymington that comes well recommended - The Bosuns Chair and a couple of good ones just 15 mins across the water in Yarmouth IOW. Christchurch also has a good slipway, but I'm not as familiar with the town's facilities. There are also boatyards and storage/craneage facilities in Southampton. Some Travel Inns have a carpark where you can reverse the boat up to the building so that you would have to move the car to attempt theft of the boat.

Alternatively, don't bring the boat and give us a shout when you're coming up this way, but I know what it's like, and it's good to have your own boat with you.
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