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Old 21 April 2006, 23:47   #21
Country: USA
Town: Chula Vista, CA
Boat name: T.A.P.O.A.F.O.M.
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF140
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 30
Originally Posted by pop
i have done four trips from SD to carbo san lucas and two from panama to long beach. we did all our sailing around this area getting ready for the LA yacht race.

sorry to say its a dump the coast is full of nothing. the sharks are cool and the seals but there is no little bays, harbours. ever catalina islands are a mini LA mc donalds and all. were do you go on your rib from there? santa barbara?

You're saying the whole coast is a dump? Whoa! Well Catalina Island is very nice for scuba diving. Here is a UK site covering it:

There is also grey whales. You can get really up close in baja.

But I'm not with the tourism board. So stay away people!
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Old 22 April 2006, 08:29   #22
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270
Originally Posted by gaviotapete
hiya boatster,
where do you launch from to get a quick crossing to s.cruz?
and what kind of fuel usage do you plan on? how much did
you carry on your sr4? thanks for any help,
newbie pete
Hey Gaviotapete,

I launch from Channel Islands Harbor. Its much easier I've noticed for heading out and coming back as youre more or less heading into the swell or away from it. I've crossed from Santa Barbara and both ways your going beam on to the swells (wind and ground swells). The run out to the backside is shorter too. I use rounghly 11 gallons out and back ( 55 miles ). I have a 19 gallon tank for just in case I need more.


About the coast being a dump, that is actually not true. Well yes most of the Los Angeles mainland coast is dumpish. Avalon on Catalina is a tourist trap. The secret gems are the areas less known like where I went in the slidestory. North of Los Angeles is some really beautiful coast and the Channel Islands are unbelievable. Some travel magazine rated The Islands as some of the best diving in the world. From Santa Barbara North the coast is unlike anywhere else too, wild, pristine, vast. The secrets are always on the unbeaten paths.


Thanks for the compliment, I had lots of practice from previous slidestories. One good thing is the more slidestories I do, the better I get at narrating!
I wouldn't mind living in the UK for awhile but I do love California too. Give me some good surf and I can live anywhere.

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