This RIB was in a quite poor shape when I bough her and all tubes where losing the pressure very quickly, in a couple of days everything was almost flat.
I have replaced the inner Leafield A7 valves with new ones but leaks continued. I did a soap water test and found out that the air was escaping from under some of the wear patches that were probaly incorrectly fitted at the time of repair. Some of them were easy to pull off, plrobably glued with basic contact glue. I found 2 patches that were glued with black silicone
(click to see video)

I stripped all the whear patches using the heat gun and MEK solvent. It took me about 2 days full time just to remove all the patches, quick repars and clean the glue. I tried to clean teh glue with acetone and MEK but the glue being more than 20 years old there was no other way than a mechanical mean of removal. I bought online 3 brushes for hypalon cleaning and using my power drill cleaned everything (one brush only needed finally).