Not the best day for ribbing specially if coming from the Solent but 3 ribs decided to make the passage and we on Seahawk 3 headed West to meet them
The ribs were; Jan Falkowski's Ocean rib with Paul Lemmer crewing, Martin on his diesel Scorpion and a Humber 630 ( sorry but can't remember the ribster's name)
we meet up somewhere past Bogna Regis and headed back together to Littlehampton for lunch at the Arun View. Following a most enjoyable lunch our visitors left after 5:30 and I understand their return journey was rather difficult due to severe weather conditions which developed in the late afternoon.
Photo 1 . Mike C at the helm of Seahawk 3
Photo 2 Seahawk 3 in the distance
Photo 3 Seahawk 3 with Paul Lemmer at the helm, Martin in his Scorpion and the Humber 630
Photo 4 Martin at the helm of his Scorpion heading back to Bembridge
Photo 5 Jan & Paul heading back to Southampton (Jan let me take the helm of his rib and I took it into Littlehamton . What a ride ? I enjoyed every minute). Thanks Jan
I only hope the weather is more favourable during the weekend of the Littlehamton cruise