14 November 2005, 17:19
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By chance the sunset tonight was absolutely stunning. Photos don't really do it justice!
14 November 2005, 17:26
Country: UK - Wales
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Stunning sunset - shame about the chimneys......
Couldn't you have found a palm tree???
14 November 2005, 17:46
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Took this one this evening. Pretty poor camera phone pic I'm fraid but you get the idea
14 November 2005, 17:51
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It was a fabulous sunset! We all stopped at work to admire!
So cool to see the photos on here  Nice one peeps!
Loads have been sent into TV too.
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
14 November 2005, 18:31
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Funny how so many of us caught the one tonight
Joint Ribtickler 2005
14 November 2005, 18:32
Country: UK - Wales
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Must be the time of year - I am sure the shepards will be delighted......
14 November 2005, 19:17
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here's one i caught on a recent trip to buena vista lodge in costa rica. you couldn't see it from the cabin. i hiked up to a peak above the low clouds and saw this beauty
14 November 2005, 19:42
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That's awesome, columbiachop.
OK, you can video a sunset, of course
sunset video
14 November 2005, 21:25
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Videoed a sunset here back in August on the way back down to Milford from the pub up river - http://videos.ribseadrive.co.uk/512k...20_08_05_small
Also, took these pics last year.... first one is sunset over Tuskar Rock in SE Ireland - pic taken just before we turned around and headed back for pembs.
2nd pic taken looking down river from Angle lifeboat station area last year - the mist was just creeping in - if you look just to the right of the aerial, you can see the mast of a tanker that's at anchor in Dale Roads. Just behind is 9m ribcraft going quite slow too
14 November 2005, 21:34
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Originally Posted by Shaggy
Nice Pics codders..
Couple of nice ones here, Gwithian and Ireland.
The kids surfed Praa sands yesterday (Sun) Shag as it was onshore your side. Looks small and choppy in your pic. Prob is, when it's firing on the South coast everyone seems to end up at Praa Sands. It's manic and it dumps like crazy anywhere above half tide.
14 November 2005, 21:53
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Cool guys. Lotsa nice pics.
14 November 2005, 22:00
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
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Anyone ever seen the infamous "green flash"??? Managed to see it once but never on camera!!!
15 November 2005, 01:08
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Panasonic Lumix FZ 20 - got to be the best camera for the money EVER - all because of it's 12x optical Leica zoom with image stabilization built in - equiv 35 - 420mm zoom and most important - CONSTANT F2.8 all the way through!!!
Having said that most of these shots were on normal zoom settings. Set ISO to 50 and EV -1/3 for better colour saturation.
The shutter speeds were pretty low but the image stabilisation is brilliant.
The camera does really well into the sun - no whiting out or pixelisation.
HAving said all that thougH it was the sunset itself that REALLY made it - looks like it was taken in the tropics - in reality it was Burry Port near swansea and was just 2 C - brrrr
Hi Codprawn,
I was just reading about the Panasonic FZ20. The IS and constant f2.8 with 12x zoom is an impressive feature set in a digicam! I did read that the low light noise is its achilles heal though. Whats your take on the low light situations?
15 November 2005, 02:14
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by boatster_sr4
Hi Codprawn,
I was just reading about the Panasonic FZ20. The IS and constant f2.8 with 12x zoom is an impressive feature set in a digicam! I did read that the low light noise is its achilles heal though. Whats your take on the low light situations?
Never had a problem and done loads of night shots - my brother bought exactly the same camera and his is fine as well.
15 November 2005, 07:47
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Originally Posted by Zippy
now i didnt say mine were taken in the UK
need pictures like that to brighten my desktop in the office!
Werner wouldn't allow that now would he! C
Nice pics codders et all - missed that one last night!
15 November 2005, 18:09
Country: USA
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Posts: 270
Originally Posted by codprawn
Never had a problem and done loads of night shots - my brother bought exactly the same camera and his is fine as well.
Heres where I read about the noise. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/panasonicfz20/page7.asp
Also if you look at the gallery images for this camera all the dark scene images have noticeable noise at iso 400. Not that you couldn't work around it though.
After selling off my Canon 10d and lenses I want to get a decent digital camera. This Panasonic seems pretty good. How is the shutter lag? Can you tell me how it does with action photography? Thanks.
15 November 2005, 21:08
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by boatster_sr4
I NEVER use ISO 400 - if anything I never go above 200 - 50 is my norm!!!
The image stabilization is so good you really don't need to go higher - you can handhold no probs at 1/60th on full zoom = 420mm!!!
Shutter lag will never compete with an SLR but it comes pretty close. If you do nothing but sports photography it may not be quite quick enough but for most people it will be ample - really is better than the other budget cameras out there.
I really do find it incredible value for money. A mate of mine has a top of the range Nikon digital SLR and after trying my camera he now uses the Panasonic 90% of the time.
I WAS going to suggest getting the new FZ30 - same lens but 8mp BUT then I noticed it is NOT quite the same lens - apeture now varies a bit - WHY???
15 November 2005, 21:11
Country: UK - Wales
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And just for a bit of background info - for me to be so impressed with a camera is pretty rare - been brought up on pro 35mm and medium format stuff. Still use them when I really want quality - transparencies only of course!!!
I never thought I would be gripped by digital cameras but they are so handy.
15 November 2005, 21:43
Country: UK - Wales
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Just been looking into the FZ30 a bit more - it is a shame that it is no longer a nice wide F2.8 but there may be many other features that will compensate - will have to try one to find out.
One sensible feature is that when you choose a lower quality setting you use less of the ccd so you can have even better OPTICAL zoom. On 5mp it is 15x and on 3mp it is 19x optical - this is not the same as a digital zoom.
Looks a pretty awesome camera - shame Steve's digicams haven't reviewed it yet.
16 November 2005, 00:18
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
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Posts: 270
Yeah I need to look into the fz30. I do like the constant 2.8 of the fz20 though. I like how the focus is all internal in this design as well. Either one could be a very fun camera
To keep things on topic here are my sunset photos from this weekend. I used a 2 mp Sony waterproof camera. We were returning from a day of surfing out at the islands. The conditions were magical both in the sky and on the water.
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