We took Huntress out for a "private charter" (ie myself and my friends - unfortunately the wife was sick and couldn't make it

We left Nassau around 9:30 am and cruised over calm seas to Allen's Cay at 36 knots.
From there we headed down over sandbanks which made my heart skip as we cruised over them at 30 knots in less than 2' of water in places...we saw a dolphin and calf, stingrays, sharks, iguanas, turtles (no pigs - those are much further south at Big Majors) and more of the island wildlife.
We then stopped off Norman's Cay to dive the infamous drug plane which crashed in the 80's Carlos Ledher days.
Right near there is a small cay which we joined my brother-in-law and more friends of ours for lunch.
We then headed to another cay, where we collected some shells and sand dollars and wallowed in the water for a bit.
We headed back on glass calm seas for the hour or so journey.
Overall a great day, despite having some engine trouble when coming off plane to arrive back in Nassau Harbour (but that's another story).