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Old 02 June 2016, 06:35   #21
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
I'm reaching a little - but I'm seeing a sort of wee Buddhist Yoda?

Nearly spat my Breakfast out!
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!

The Road to HELL Paved with "Good inventions!"
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Old 02 June 2016, 07:55   #22
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Thanks for looking in guys and commenting too..its appreciated

Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL View Post
. I didn't know there were more eccentric than Willk hahaha

Glad you enjoy it Humber ..and I can confirm.. having met both the Laird of Rona ..and Willk in person ..the laird is far more eccentric :0)

Having crossed the Sound of Raasay to mainland Skye .. I needed no further excuse to have a nosey in Portree town.. the “capital” of Skye. Its always comforting to see the lifeboat.. and its even better to see her berthed.. and not out rescuing people.

My father, well as myself ..have spent our lifetimes in small boats at sea ..(ages added together .. is around 200 years experience ?) .. in remote places. Im delighted to say that none of us have ever had to send a pan pan or mayday call. We have self rescued very occasionally .. but never been in any critical danger. Some cynics may say..its luck.. I would say its seamanship that has kept us out of trouble. However I do “touch wood” I am very aware that even the most experienced folks can have a bad day.

My flight from Raasay and nosey in Portree made me realise that time was getting on and had not yet stopped for breakfast.. so headed for a gray gravel beach..landed ..had a sandwich ..and relieved myself. Delighted to see the small white clouds almost gone.. and the sea flat again.

To give time for the weather to settle I know the Sound can flair up again..very quickly on days like this .. I went to explore the caves off Tainavaig headland . Photographs can loose height perspective when there are no other boats or people around the show scale.. but Tainavaig is 1300 feet high. If you thing those caves look small in the photo ..

Come a little closer ..still looks small ?...

OK.. there are now some cormorants nesting on the cave wall on the right of the photo ..they help give some scale to the scene.

Im now half way down the cave ..

.. then turn around for this photo .. and judge the roof to be around 60 ft high at its entrance ?

So if you thought those photos of waves on my crossing were not four feet high or Force 4 ..I can assure you they were. Photos don’t capture the height of depth of objects well..without some scale reference.

It was cold in the cave .. and rather eerie..hearing the noises of scolding cormorants echoing of solid rock walls.. so I headed for open sea again..

by continuing my journey up the Sound of Raasay..but on the Skye side..rather than Raasay side. I was heading for Holm Island.. in celtic folklore ..known as “Tir Nan H’Oig” .. which means .. land of eternal youth

To be continued ...
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Old 02 June 2016, 08:45   #23
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yet another great adventure Mr G. and brings back memories of an outward bound course I went on in 1997, spent a month based just outside the village of Applecross and sailed across to Broadford on Skye via the Crowlin Islands, we stayed in a bothy on the north west corner of Scalpay, we could see the light house at Eyre Point on Raasay, then sailed around Raasay and Rona calling into Portree, then back across to Applecross, 3 days sailing and fishing, brilliant trip epic story in your f-rib
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Old 02 June 2016, 16:40   #24
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Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih
(Buddhist chant to help with wisdom, critical thinking.. and writing)

Thanks for looking in Chris.. and Im happy my journey relives memories of your journey.

As mentioned earlier.. Rona and Raasay are a very special place.. for those willing to open their eyes .. and see them for what they are. IMO ..Those are the ones who reap the best rewards from the experience.

Some may wonder why I took a collection of old bones home ..and what I was going to do with them. It wasn’t to make fish stock with.. or give the dog to chew.

They now sit on my wee patio .. a lasting remembrance of a fantastic journey through the Sound of Raasay... and a little monument to my long departed father .. who left me his greatest gift of all .. his love of the sea.

To be continued...
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Old 03 June 2016, 06:04   #25
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When I was much younger ..I always wanted to land on Holm Island..for the gift of “Eternal Life” but now .. the thought of living forever ... no longer appeals .. so happily passed it by.

I went along Skye’s Jurrassic coastline as far as Bearreraig Bay and The Old Man of Storr.

It is a true Jurassic coastline and in the past.. I have found many fossilised remains of ammonites and belemnites in the area. I collect shiny objects and interesting old bones

The wind squalled occasionally as I skimmed up the coast. The crossing back to Raasay from the Storr is approx six miles. I started to cross..but the sea started to move again .. so I decided to head back to Portree bay area. If it blew up to a force 4 again.. my options for escape in this location were very much reduced. Near Portree ..the wind died again and I easily slid across the two mile crossing from Portree to Raasay. I saw several dolphins making a similar crossing.

It was now lunch time..and I realised I had not set foot on Raasay landed on a stone beach ..for lunch ..and to truthfully say I have set foot on Raasay.

After lunch..I nosed my was round the southern tip of the island

and as the sea became flatter ....

and flatter ...

My plans for the day changed yet again .. as I skimmed across the Inner Sound ..leaving Raasay far behind

To be continued ..
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Old 03 June 2016, 11:28   #26
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The Guppy certainly seemed to approve my decision to cross to the Crowlin Islands. The only motion she made during the 6 mile crossing from Raasay ..was to gently nod her head in agreement time with a very gently swell.

Fifteen miles to the north ..on the glassy horizon ..I could just make out the far end of Raasay and the start of Rona.. an island too far today.

Im happy to say there was not a submarine in sight ..nor navy ship..or any other boat for that matter. I had the sea to myself. I had the VHF on channel 16 if anyone saw me and wanted to give a warning of MOD activity.

The only slight “error” I made this trip ..was rounding the northern end of the Crowlin’s. I crossed over the reef that extends well out into the sea. I wasn’t aware it was so far from shore ..until I saw rock suddenly appear around six feet below the Guppy. A quick yank of the kill cord removed any danger..and the reef disappeared again as she glided past the rock. Last thing I needed was a broken prop.. on the Crowlin’s. I have not fixed a bracket for an aux engine yet.

I decided to head through the shallow gap between the north and southern Crowlin islands. I was aware it was very shallow here and could see rock above the surface .. so lifted the outboard ..and let the now outgoing tide carry me through I happily scoffed the last of my sandwiches.

Relaxed and refreshed..I re started the outboard and left the Crowlin Islands in my receding wake.

I was now heading for the island Longay ..which was on my way back to the campsite. I knew it had a dangerous reef off its northern tip....

So followed a flapping cormorant playing hop..skip..and jump .. well to the north of the reef ..

I then landed on the final island of the day ... Scalpay. I left the Guppy on a lovely red sand shore ..on the north west coast..

To look at the ruins of an old croft ....

When I explore these old ruins..I always wonder what the people were like who stayed here .. I could just picture them sitting in front of a warm peat fire ..on cold nights.

Chris.. after your comment above.. I wonder if this is the bothy you stayed at all those years ago. ? Its the only building I could see on that part of Scalpay..and I could see the light house on the south of Raasay from it. Let me know if it is and if you would like to see photos of other parts ..example the iron fire range you may have had breakfast cooked on etc.

Sharing memories is why I post my stories.. as well as give others some info.. if they wish to follow footsteps.

After exploring the ruin.. I left Scalpay and headed for my campsite.. a nice wave..wind and tide..all helping me along.

I covered 64 miles ..and refilled the fuel tank for the next took 8 litres of fuel to top up tank.. worth every penny. The small F-Rib proved itself to be a very seaworthy boat.. and a 6hp engine is ample for up..and in exposed sea conditions.

I went round Rona the following day..and did a lot more too..but thats for another day..Im off adventuring will leave you all in peace..for another wee while.

Thanks again to all who read and comment..its appreciated.

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.
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Old 03 June 2016, 12:09   #27
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oooohh that photo of the bothy sent goosebumps down my neck to my toes, it dies bear a striking resemblance to what I remembered, but I'll dig the photos out to be sure we did cook fresh mackerel on the fire one night, the other night we had a small bonfire outside and cooked on that, then sat round the fire telling tall stories well into the weeee hours, but isn't that what bonfires are for
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Old 03 June 2016, 13:13   #28
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Here is the ruins position on the OS map Chris..Im sure it is the only ruin in the area..and fits your location description. The red lines are my GPS tracks over the two days..the grey arrow points the ruin.

And some more old memories for you.. and I agree.. campfires are for stories and making memories.. Im off to a very beautiful and remote beach watch the sunset ..while roasting potatoes in a fire.. and washing it all down with some delicious dark gravy... its a hard life being an old age pensioner .... cheers

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Old 03 June 2016, 15:28   #29
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it's a lifetime ago, but it all fits my cabbaged memory, I've found the photo album and carefully peeled the cellophane cover of the photos, I can't find one of the front of that bothy and we stayed in a few different ones over the 4 weeks we were there, but the attached photos might ring a bell with you as you've just been there 🤔 the b&w photo is of the group I was part of, I had to look several times to be sure it's me on the back row far left, I seem to have added a "few" pounds since then 😂 the last photo show the two boats we went sailing in, I think the photo was taken just outside the village of Applecross just before a rowing match, guessing the boats were around 30ft. I still work with a few of the guys who were on the same 4 week course 😎 Click image for larger version

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Old 03 June 2016, 15:46   #30
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Yup..its the same place Chris ..shame its now a ruin as many bothies are maintained ..but I guess the remoteness of this one was its down fall.

I recognise the clump of trees in your photo the right of the bothy .. approaching the sandy bay. You can also see them in one of my photos.
You will also see this view from the window..matches the bay shape in the photo of the guy standing beside the bothy..

Life long memories are made from such adventures .. thanks for sharing your memories too
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Old 03 June 2016, 15:57   #31
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thanks brilliant Gurnard, great that you've been able to identify it I'll let the lads know about it when I'm back in work and show them your photos
who knows, maybe we will meet up one day on an adventure, this has reminded me just how much there is still left to explore out there
wonder if my Searider would like a bit more exploring .............
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Old 03 June 2016, 16:28   #32
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Chris.. its not the boat that makes the adventure or memories .. its the people in them that make it.

Im in my 60’s now ..and hope to keep adventuring for many more years.. Im sure you can too.

Just remember..its the slow observant folks who win the whale bones and get the most out of it...all in my opinion only of course.

You will know me if you ever pass ..Im easy recognised.. not many folks go to sea in 9 foot boats...with small efficient outboards...but thats the way of the Gurnard

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Old 03 June 2016, 18:08   #33
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Another good read gurnard keep it coming

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Old 03 June 2016, 22:16   #34
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard View Post
Chris.. its not the boat that makes the adventure or memories .. its the people in them that make it.

Im in my 60’s now ..and hope to keep adventuring for many more years.. Im sure you can too.

Just remember..its the slow observant folks who win the whale bones and get the most out of it...all in my opinion only of course.

You will know me if you ever pass ..Im easy recognised.. not many folks go to sea in 9 foot boats...with small efficient outboards...but thats the way of the Gurnard
I'm not far off me 60's, just started practicing for retirement

It's Enuff isn't much bigger than The Guppy, slightly bigger outboard but still plenty efficient enough for me but I'd agree that boats are nothing without people, and good friends are always welcome to come aboard to blow a few cobwebs away
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