Probably just had the worst weekend with the boat so far, I was heading for a nervous breakdown!
Friday night - finished off rigging the fuel filters, that was ok.
Sat am - realized that the depth transducer wasn't going to fit in the bilge unless I parked it right on top of the anode.

So I had to take all the screws out the deck and lift it off, disconnect the fuel lines and crane out the fuel tank and fit the transducer under the tank.

I sikaflexed in a bit of osma pipe to the floor to use as a mould to cast the transducer in resin but the sikaflex hadnt gone off properly and dumped half a litre of resin into the bilge

It wouldnt have worked anyway as the resin was full of air bubbles

Then the tank wouldnt go back in properly

Jumping up and down on it EVENTUALLY worked

Then the cable didnt want to know about going all the way up thru the conduit
Sat pm - After finally getting everything back to how it was the day before I thought I would do something fun and simple like connect up the steering and get some fluid in it.

Damn stuff was p***ing out of every joint! The actual hose connections were ok but the other taper thread fittings eg the bulkhead kit I used at the stern and at the back of the helm unit didnt want to know.
So after taking the days frustrations out on some poor girl I met in a club last night

I took it all apart, cleaned the red hylomar off the threads (obviously not the stuff to use) and refitted it all using RTV instead and tightened everything as much as I dared (plus a 1/4 turn!). Seems ok now all works nice and smoothly
Pics below - Engines and ancillaries are all rigged up and just about ready to go. With a bit of luck there should be the sweet smell of 2 stroke oil in the air next weekend!! Just need to fill and prime the fuel and oil systems, the only thing I'm not sure about is that I cut the ign switches off the loom and soldered on a pair of verado switches (they have nicer keys!), the wire colour coding was a bit different plus there was a few other bits of chopping and soldering on account of the smartcraft gauges. The odds of a spark at the other end have gone down slightly!