Here's some picture of my new boat

, launched on Friday 12th at Redbay Boats. She is 11m and designed for ferry/crew transfers, media work, safety cover etc.
Licenced to MCA Cat 3 of the new codes with no restrictions i.e 20 miles from a safe haven day or night, for 12 passenegers and a up to 2 crew.
She is named after a warrior of the Clyde, that was murdered by some east coasties, during the time that Clutha (the other boat) was goddess of the Clyde.
I have chosen to go Raymarine as I was impressed with the C80 on the last boat. She has a C120 display, DSM300 sounder and a 4Kw Raydome. A Icom M601 and a Ic-M1v Handheld are also fitted (sorry Rogue), again chosen for reliability, I have had Icoms for years and they have never let me down (touching lots of wood!!)
Engines are the new Yamaha Sti 422 driving through the Hydra-drive legs. I did look at Volvos, too heavy and costly although one of the few commercially rated engines, and also Yanmars, reliability issues with the legs. I was luck enough to meet Mark Pullinger (Yamahas Commercial Manager) when I was over to discuss the boat and after a long discussion about what changes Yamaha had made to the new range I opted for them.
They are my type of engine, no electonics

, just a simple diesel engine.
She also has a set of Bennet tabs fitted and after playing with them over the weekend I really rate them. Being able to offset different weight dist. and being able to trim the boat, as the legs really dont do that much, is great and ensures for a nicer ride.
Other than that she has all the usual safety gear....even a Barometer!!
After looking at various manufactures of boats I again chose Redbay. The layup of their boats is immense. This is now my 3rd Redbay and the seakeeping is just fantastic. They are also very willing to "customise". I went and looked at a couple of similar boats and wanted some thing's changed, mostly asthetic and to aid operation. Stephen the Cad and QA guy drew up around 5 different designs offering options in around 2 days, and as usual the first design that he produced was the best

The boat was ordered in September, popped from the mould early January and completed mid May, It the longest I've been without a Rib for over 10 years but it was worth the wait.
We ran to Ardbeg on Saturday with Redbays from the smallest to the largest, I thought I drove the boat hard until I saw some of the 6.5m guys. We did over 215 miles at the weekend with the engine returning around 3 gallons per hour per side at 26-30Knots......if that keeps up I be a happy camper.
Anyone looking for a new Rib, from 4.5m upwards would do well to have a look at Redbay Stormforce, yes I'm biased

All I need to do now is get my trailer finished,and pay for the thing, yep its 38' long, no its not braked and yes it does tow nicely behind a 175hp 10 ton tractor

, anyone got a good winch?
Goes without saying that if any of you guys are up this way and want a quick blast......