very nice pics and nice boat too.
Poland looks very nice.
I've been in Gdansk taking delivery (as a third officer) of a passenger ship (ferry) sometime a go (about 20 years+ ago) it was winter, (about this time Christmas), very cold and misrable.
I was very supprised that after we sailed and had to look in what use to be the officers lockers to find lots of bottles with neat spirit.
I was very inocent those days and asked the Greek Captain what that was for? The reply 'They drink it neat spiriti in Poland he said'. I was cob smaked LOLOL
However, I suppose in any country that someone visits to have a good time he should know the right places to go and see (there you need one with local knowledge). And you Andre (from what I see) certainly know where the right places are in Poland.
Would love to get there one day.