We get alot of seals around here in N.I. particularly where I live on Strangford Lough.
I'm a Sea Kayaker first and foremost, and the seals are really inquisitive because we don't make any sound.
One stole my waterbottle right off the deck of my kayak, spent 20 minutes trying to get it back, could have sworn they were laughing at me.
Once I was taking a group of paddlers through Dundrum Bay, a flotilla of 60+ launched themselves off the beach and followed us. Real spooky!. Looked like a re-enactment of the Normandy landings.
They were submerging and surfacing just behind us, so I got the group to stop paddling. Without realising, these seals surfaced in amongst us. You should have seen the suprised look on their faces!!!