Thanks guys..glad you enjoyed it..and I agree .. it is stunning scenery and very remote. I only saw half a dozen boats over the four day period.. and very few folks on the land.
For a little background into my adventures ..its important to realise I don’t just jump in my SIB and hope for the best. I spend a little time researching the area ..studying tidal flows ..distances .. tide times .. etc.
And although I appreciate many will be lost without the latest GPS gizmo ..I tend to ignore them and stick with an old fashioned map and compass.
Here is the map overview I took for the trip. On it you can see the islands..(I shaded them in purple as my old eyes can barely make out printed outlines.) Possible routes with their distances. Tide speed in knots through the passages between islands and also which direction etc.
I use it to navigate along with the ships compass. I also use my mark one eyeball as my second eyeball has a cataract at its not so useful. I also have some local knowledge..a lot of experience ..and a strong survival instinct. IMO All that is better than an electronic nav box in a SIB...of course some may choose to disagree.
I ALWAYS carry an auxiliary outboard on such a handheld VHF.. (which may not help as its line of sight communications and few other boats around) .. and of course ..a PLB.. flares .. I no longer carry.
I also printed a larger view of each individual island.. marking possible landing spots. There were no landing spots on the south west side of was cliffs the whole way..except a very small rocky beach at Harris bay..but only for emergency landing. Therefore I knew there was little assistance if in trouble .. between Eigg and Canna. .
And of course..I printed the weather forecast for the four days..and also wrote on high tide ..low tide times. Notice it is the Met Office forecast..but I also noted Magic Seaweed forecast in green..which seemed to agree with XC weather forecast too. I tend to average them all into my own forecast.
Sunday was going to be the worst forecast.. gusting Force five to force 6.. and as Sunday was to be day was a case of suck things and see what to do...
Then Monday and Tuesday back to gentler Force 3 winds. However due to the pressure system that brough the good weather..winds were all over the place.
My routes were being decided as I went. It was a bit lumpy crossing from Eigg to I decided to go up the sheltered side of the islands ..and head straight for Canna. I didn't want to attempt Canna on Sundays possible Force 5 winds.
To be continued....