Yup..Jeff is big Steve

..I will never forget the first time I saw him standing up in his SIB for a pish over the side. Myself and Kaman’s jaws dropped overboard when we saw a thing that would put a stallion to shame. Later when we ribbed Jeff about it ..he assured us he was peeing through a plastic tube to get it well overboard. Im not so sure though.
Im definitely the wee guy out the three. Kamans’ Excel Volaire 420 is even bigger ..or at least it looks it to me. You will see it in action in the next box set .. Going round the Small Isles from Taynuilt.
Although I am smaller..I can handle the rough just as well and often better ? ...in the rough at displacement speed the Volaire does not steer well in a wind. A wave crashed over Kaman’s massive toob and swept an oar overboard.. no way could he get it back as the boat was blown all over the place trying...eventually the oar gave up waiting to be saved and sank.
Wow Brinormeg ..3x2 slabs ..I remember doing similar when I was in my twenties ..moved 30 of the buggers..never again ..its much easier watching videos
Good to see you still around Jambo and we all agree..Loch Sween is a perfect paradise .