Thanks for commenting Hat, its appreciated. The flat calm seas make spotting any creatures breaking the surface very easy.
I was on a pilgrimage, visiting not only places from my past..but sacred places of my ancestors ..many who are buried on these islands.
This is the roughest crossing I had to do.. Loch Tarbet on Jura to Colonsay. I had a few 5am starts so I could enjoy flat calm seas before the breeze rippled the sea surface..but also because I need to keep my heavy inflatable afloat and low tides were awkward for late "sleepins". So saying it was still a bouncy tide race rounding the southern end of Orancay
I passed this tall ship making her way round Scotland ..I always get a delight seeing tall ships.. not as museums tied to piers .. but at sea..where they were made to be.
I tried to get to Orancay the last time I was at Jura but the tide race prevented me. I wanted to visit the Priory where so many of Scotland’s ancestors were buried..simple because the sand is easy to dig... and there were no wolves on the island to eat their corpses.
The Mull of Cara was the furthest south I went. I recalled going round it in a Seago Slat Floor powered with a 2.5HP was the start of my inflatable boat journeys.. quite a few years ago.
I confess getting slightly sizzled camping on Eilean Mor MacCormack where St Cormac built his chapel. I had the island to myself that night.
In a happy stupor ..I made my own tribute to all the Saints and Ancestors who made the west of Scotland the place it is and also for giving me the ability to keep on seeing it despite my age and the boat I use is not much bigger than the Coracles they used to access these remote places.
I thought of Fenlander and his family as I toured the Faery Isles of loch Sween. I met him in this area only a few years ago..and also watched an Osprey nesting here. There was no sign of the osprey or its nest ..nor of Fenlander ..a sure sign that all things change and nothing stays forever. was a remarkable journey for me. I will attach the video when its made ..but it could be a week or so as the sea is still calling my name.