Thanks everyone for looking in and commenting ..its very much appreciated.
I would love to meet you again for a Guinness or three Maximus our last meeting at Arisaig
69cmw HH Spartacus and Stevem..thanks for the kind comments delighted you enjoy watching the videos
Hi Pr1tch ..good to see you too. I know you are heading to Arisaig in the you will find its even better in real life than on the big screen.
Hi Poly .. Im self funded for the next four years..then I get a state pension at age 66. However I agree the taxpayer paid a hefty bill for my NHS treatment last year I do owe you a Guinness or three too
When Im on my adventures ..time means nothing. Im happy chugging along in the slow lane took my time going to Loch Ailort and arrived in the afternoon. I generally beach launch from several of the large laybys as I can park overnight and still be close to my boat left on the beach.
For info only .. there are two slips in the area. The public slip at the start of Loch Ailort. Its has a drop off so only good for three quarters of the tide.
And the slip the local fishermen use at Glenuig. Dont hold them back as its in steady use .. but you can use the slip.. just give a donation to the box in the shop for the privilege
This map illustrates my route of Day one. It was only 15 miles return but a lovely introduction to the area.
A word of warning .. Loch Ailort is a shallow sea loch. At low can be around four foot of water in the main basin. There are rocks and reefs aplenty drive carefully to keep your prop in one piece.
Here is the video of Day One ..hope you enjoy watching it ..I enjoyed making it.
Day two will follow when its made