A few pics from the weekend, just to show its always worth keeping the RIB in the water that little bit longer! Took a run down to Ardfern on Saturday to run the fuel down a bit before the winter, pretty cold but some spectacular views.
Hi paul was up last w/end and the weather was brill like you took the rib out for one last burn and probably was the best trip of the year!
Pic one Dorus Mhor? and pic three Corryvechan? Next time your going down to Ardfern give me shout and we can meet up in the Galley of Lorne or the Carfty Kitchen. Heres to next year.
'Carpe Diem'
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club Member of SABS ( Scottish West Division)
Almost right, Pic 1, just as you come back out of Dorus Mhor, Pic 3 Fladda lighthouse from just outside Cuan Sound. Pic 2, boat and co-driver waiting for the shore crew to pick us up!