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Old 16 November 2015, 14:20   #1
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2 x Ribs Stolen

2 x Ribs stolen on trailers from Northney Marina, Hampshire on the night of the 13th November to 14th November 2015.

1 x 6.5m RIB-X with a Suzuki 150hp outboard.

1 x 5.3m Rib with a 100 Mercury outboard

Any information to Hampshire ConstabularyMarine Unit on 07774 684317 or e-mail

Quote reference 44150396370
You get what you settle for!
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Old 16 November 2015, 16:47   #2
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Dont they have any security at that marina ?

will look out for those boats, any pics or names of hull codes etc ?
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Old 16 November 2015, 18:21   #3
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I've just shared this on our stolen boats and outboards Facebook page and a message has come back to say the ribs have been found but the engines were stolen
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Old 24 November 2015, 18:47   #4
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The RIBs never left the marina (were dragged to a secluded part of the yard which is where they whipped the engines off).
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Old 24 November 2015, 19:10   #5
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It's really sad what some people do.
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Old 24 November 2015, 20:15   #6
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I use this marina in the summer, the yard areas I have always thought have very little security. Nothing stopping anybody just walking in.
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Old 24 November 2015, 20:46   #7
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as this is a marina who pays for new engines? marina insurance or the boat owners?

often wondered if marinas have a duty of care?
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Old 24 November 2015, 21:32   #8
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Owner or their insurer. If your car gets stolen in a carpark who pays for a new car!
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Old 24 November 2015, 21:54   #9
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Well it depends on the car park type actually, it isn't as simple as that. A free car park in a town centre have sign posts about liability, I've never seen one at a marina. If you pay to store your car then it is on the storage owner with better storage places.

Let's put it another way, if you put the boat in for a service and it is stollen off their premises.....who pays?

I would imagine your marina contract will have small print is the legal answer.
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Old 24 November 2015, 22:19   #10
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Originally Posted by Xk59D View Post
A free car park in a town centre have sign posts about liability, I've never seen one at a marina. If you pay to store your car then it is on the storage owner with better storage places.
All marinas will pass the buck to the customer - when you sign in and pay your fees you'll see the sign / accept the terms. (Actually almost all car parks, caravan parks, storage places do that too; it would take a very specialist [expensive] place to include 'insurance').

Let's put it another way, if you put the boat in for a service and it is stollen off their premises.....who pays?
many people have found out to their cost that THEY do. I know someone who had an interesting situation when his jet ski got nicked from a workshop, and discovered it wasn't covered by his insurance because there was no clamp on the trailer. That created some "slightly heated" discussions with the workshop, but legal advice was that the workshop had no obligation to cover it, simply to take basic security precautions. I believe it would be similar if your car was nicked at the garage. If they left it on the forecourt with the keys in it they've been negligent, if its locked up overnight and someone breaks it to get the keys then they've been reasonable.
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Old 24 November 2015, 22:43   #11
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I know someone who stores 9 cars and they are insured in the premises for fire/theft, It is cheaper than a marina BTW per meter by quite a margin!

If your friend told them to put the clamp on who would be paying then!?!

I don't want to de-rail this thread so one for another day perhaps. My dad is friends with someone high up in ford within Arnold Clark, I'll get him to find out and post later if/when I do.

Bit of luck these people are covered either way and get new motors soon.
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Old 25 November 2015, 09:13   #12
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I guess one of the key things people should think about when choosing a marina is security, if more people paid closer attention then perhaps the marinas themselves would put in place better security because without a certain level will cost the marinas in the long run as customers will go else where.

I once tried to get into my marina (Cobbs an MDL marina in Poole) at about 5.30AM and the gates were closed and locked, I had to call the office and someone checked on CCTV who I was (they recognised me) and buzzed the main gate open. So they close and lock the main gates and have CCTV in place and someone on site 24hrs a day and I don't know of any boat or engine thefts.

Perhaps other marinas should do better. If you look at the stolen boats website you start to notice certain marinas seem to have more of a problem than others which may say a lot.
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Old 25 November 2015, 09:16   #13
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Originally Posted by boristhebold View Post
I guess one of the key things people should think about when choosing a marina is security, if more people paid closer attention then perhaps the marinas themselves would put in place better security because without a certain level will cost the marinas in the long run as customers will go else where.

I once tried to get into my marina (Cobbs an MDL marina in Poole) at about 5.30AM and the gates were closed and locked, I had to call the office and someone checked on CCTV who I was (they recognised me) and buzzed the main gate open. So they close and lock the main gates and have CCTV in place and someone on site 24hrs a day and I don't know of any boat or engine thefts.

Perhaps other marinas should do better. If you look at the stolen boats website you start to notice certain marinas seem to have more of a problem than others which may say a lot.
So if there had been new night staff or no body knew you would you still have got in ? By saying I have a boat here....
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Old 25 November 2015, 11:01   #14
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Originally Posted by Sonar View Post
So if there had been new night staff or no body knew you would you still have got in ? By saying I have a boat here....
Getting in would be the easy part! Getting out with 100+Kg of outboard on your back might be a little more difficult

As I understand it, most marina thefts are by water rather than through the main gate. Boats stored on trailers are obviously prime targets as they can be easily transported. Whereas boats Dry Stacked are a different thing altogether!
You get what you settle for!
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Old 25 November 2015, 11:15   #15
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Originally Posted by boristhebold View Post
I guess one of the key things people should think about when choosing a marina is security, if more people paid closer attention then perhaps the marinas themselves would put in place better security because without a certain level will cost the marinas in the long run as customers will go else where.

I once tried to get into my marina (Cobbs an MDL marina in Poole) at about 5.30AM and the gates were closed and locked, I had to call the office and someone checked on CCTV who I was (they recognised me) and buzzed the main gate open. So they close and lock the main gates and have CCTV in place and someone on site 24hrs a day and I don't know of any boat or engine thefts.

Perhaps other marinas should do better. If you look at the stolen boats website you start to notice certain marinas seem to have more of a problem than others which may say a lot.
If I am not mistaken, Northney Marina is a MDL marina, and this is where the engines were stolen from. I used to work for MDL, many years ago, and they did take security very seriously.(couldn't comment about it now though) Just shows, the thieving scumbags will manage to get what they want, from anywhere.
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Old 25 November 2015, 11:29   #16
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Originally Posted by boristhebold View Post
I guess one of the key things people should think about when choosing a marina is security, if more people paid closer attention then perhaps the marinas themselves would put in place better security because without a certain level will cost the marinas in the long run as customers will go else where.

I once tried to get into my marina (Cobbs an MDL marina in Poole) at about 5.30AM and the gates were closed and locked, I had to call the office and someone checked on CCTV who I was (they recognised me) and buzzed the main gate open. So they close and lock the main gates and have CCTV in place and someone on site 24hrs a day and I don't know of any boat or engine thefts.

Perhaps other marinas should do better. If you look at the stolen boats website you start to notice certain marinas seem to have more of a problem than others which may say a lot.
there was a marina near me that had 12k worth of garmin nav kit stolen. few weeks later the police came to my marina and went onboard every boat to compare with what was stolen. my rib has a pair of garmin plotters so i assume they need to check serials, but the only way they could do that was to boot up or take them out the console, i assume they booted mine up to get the numbers, i don't know 100% to be fair. on one hand i was annoyed they were on my boat and potentially playing with things without my say so, but on the other hand i hope they find the missing gear.

the only reason i knew they were onboard was there was massive dirty footprints everywhere (tubes/deck) and i went to ask who/why someone was on it...more importantly, was it REALLY the police that was in having a sniff about all the boats!
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Old 02 December 2015, 14:40   #17
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My boat is stored in Northney marina, and I've never had any problem with the security there. I may have to investigate further now though.

The marina has a barrier with a keypad entry code (changed monthly) to get in and is raised on a pressure pad to get out. The boats on trailers are all in one of three locked compounds with only one key and you have to sign the key out from reception for each compound (proof of boat ownership required). Each compound is monitored by CCTV and there is 24 hour cover by staff. Although I can't say whether the staff is single handed at night, how much attention they pay to the CCTV at any given time, or whether there are any blind spots for the CCTV.

There are however a number of boats not in the compounds and parked in more secluded areas, but these belong to industry/brokers, etc within the marina premises. I would say these are less secure, and some of them are behind buildings - it's likely that the boats in question were one of these. But I can't say for certain.
There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!

(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
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Old 02 December 2015, 15:08   #18
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Looks like they were Rib-X display boats from the photos in the Kraken leaflet. The new Rib-X showroom is at the front of the marina near the main gate in/out, and not in the compounds. I'm not sure if the marina CCTV covers this area.
There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!

(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
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Old 05 December 2015, 10:51   #19
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Originally Posted by Ovey View Post
The marina has a barrier with a keypad entry code (changed monthly) to get in and is raised on a pressure pad to get out.
Pressure pad is likely a ferrous metal sensor. Very reliable, but also very easy to open if you know its there. Just put a lump of metal near sensor and it opens. I've used a spare wheel and a small generator in the past. So you can open it to get in...
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