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Old 20 July 2005, 18:28   #1
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All Divers Please Look!!!!!!!!!!!!


*********£150 reward (no questions as long as I get it back)***********

OK, I managed one dive before my new pride and joy the AL80 I've saved up for was removed from the bus stop at Stoney Cove today. It went at exactly 3:15pm.

It is a WHITE CE AL80, 11.1 litre aluminium tank. It's Nitrox clean until July 2006 and stickers to this effect. It will have a CE mark as part of the stamping on the neck.

It was left unattended for 10 minutes while I put my twins on and went down to the water.

Now, the upside of this is that there are only 25, yes 25 of these cylinders in the UK. We have the names and addresses of all the owners. Phil at Niknaks is that organised, and has volunteered to be as useful as is possible to track down this tank. Hats off to his efficiency, I had all the details I needed in 5 minutes.

Now, I accept that mistakes are made. If this cylinder was picked up by accident I can understand, I've made similar mistakes before (though this cylinder is stage rigged with a MK2 R190 on it, so it seems a little strange) so if you've picked it up please let me know. You have 7 days to do this. An apology would also be nice, as it cost me a dive and a lot of inconvenience speaking to the Police so far.

We will find this tank. We will find it easily because if you're selling it you need to be on the list. If not we're going to need a very convincing story as to where it came from, as will the Police. You have a week to return it if you'd rather not have some of the most clearly identifiable stolen cylinders in the UK.

If you see someone with one of these tanks please don't be polite about it. Ask. Check the serial number. We're looking for a tank with serial number starting P6647** - We also have the names of people with tanks in this range, and please try and be helpful if a stranger asks to come see your tank. I really wan this back, it's a day old, and cost me a lot of £6/hour to buy. Plus I need it for upcoming courses.

YD do what you can. Tell everybody you know. Ask around your dive club, and mention it at your LDS, because I want this tank to be utterly useless to anyone (if they can't fill it they can't use it!)

If you know someone who just got a new AL80 ask a lot of questions, they'll be keen to talk about the new bit of kit they've got, if not call Phil or me. We'll tell you in 10 seconds whether it's legit.

Stoney Cove will be looking out for this and co-operating with the Police as will everybody I know. Which will be a lot of people in the dive industry. Next trip you go on, just think who might see it, just think how inconvenient a visit from me or your local bobbie could be for your life in general. Don't even think about ebay. It wouldn't be on there 5 minutes with this lot looking.

All I want is this tin and the reg back asap.


PS - please copy this to as many forums as hyou know of that might have any use for this tank. I'll be cross posting it wherever I can, because it means a lot to me, and if it has been stolen I want the poison that is this thief removed from the sport altogether. If it's an innocent mistake then I want as much awareness as possible so I can thank the finder for their honesty and arrange to get it back. I will cover all of the cost of doing this


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Old 20 July 2005, 19:28   #2
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How about a piccy? That way us non-diving peeps might have a clue as to what your describing..
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Old 21 July 2005, 07:31   #3
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link to picture of the same type and size of cylinder

In comparison to a dumpy 12 and dumpty 15. Thus its the middle one;-)
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Old 21 July 2005, 08:10   #4
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cheers Jelly for your help im guessing you are a fellow Yorkshire Diver
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Old 21 July 2005, 10:46   #5
Country: UK - England
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No worries, just a numpty for now got to wait till I'm solvent again after fixing the rib, to get qualified.
You have a different handle on YD correct, mines the same.
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Old 21 July 2005, 12:18   #6
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im twinset & wing

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