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Old 12 December 2002, 12:50   #1
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My house was broken into last night and a number of items were stolen.
Amongst them were the following items that I would ask Forum members to watch out for:
A Canon A40 digital camera. This has a 128mb (?) chip and MAY have half a dozen photos on it of Paignton harbour in the recent bad weather
A Garmin 12 handheld GPS
An ICOM IC-M1Euro V handheld VHF
Of course, I don't have any of the serial Nos. but if anybody is oferred the above items at a suspiciously low price, especially in the South-West, please tell the Police on 08705 777 444 Crime number FP02
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Old 12 December 2002, 13:37   #2
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SW Stolen Items


Sorry to hear about these BA$TARDs

I noticed you are in S Devon.

It is likely that your items may end up in the marine bazaar by sutton harbour in plymouth! They tend to shift quite a lot of "2nd hand" gear.

One of my mates drysuits was nicked from her yard and next day turned up in there!
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Old 12 December 2002, 14:32   #3
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Thanks for that, KarlT, much appreciated.
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Old 12 December 2002, 18:26   #4
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Can you get any of the items on the house policy if not my car policy covers for items out of the house in the car so to speak is this clause in your car policy for items like these just a thought, hopefully stuff turns up I have no time for the scum that do this to people, and their property and this is all important stuff , fingers crossed Gavin
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Old 27 December 2002, 21:31   #5
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"Of course, I don't have any of the serial Nos"

I have all my serial numbers after having suffered a similar fate some time ago, it only takes a few seconds to note them, so no excuse! I'm not having ago at you Brian, but how on earth do people expect the Police or anyone else to find things like that, without a serial number how could you prove it was yours? Ok they could take off the serial number, but most realise peple don't note them, and without a serial nyumber it looks a bit suspicious.

Perhaps a lesson can be learnt by everyone here to note serial numbers of such items, that way there is a very, very slight chance of getting the ba...rds that steal other peoples stuff.

Even up to date pictures of your Rib will help, that could be posted for example here. A lot of people are of the opinion that it will never happen to them, and when it does it's too late.

A lot of people wouldn't be able to tell you what was where in their house, if they were broken into, and what had gone. A photo of each room helps, even with the insurance company who may just want confirmation of that antique clock that was stolen! With digital cameras it is very easy, as long as you download the pictures, just in case the camera goes!!

Even some kind of identifying marker, like those ultra violet pens, write your post code or boats name under a seat, inside a locker, or engine cowling, something like this aids recovery of these items slightly.


P.S. Just put this on the main Forum :-

Why not 'Splash it all over' !!
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Old 24 January 2003, 20:49   #6
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Did you have fun replacing everything Brian?
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Old 25 January 2003, 10:02   #7
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I have replaced the camera.
I will buy an ICOM M1-EuroV when I can locate an inexpensive source. Any pointers anyone?
The Garmin 12 I will get 2nd hand somewhere. Thanks for the last one Jason. A pity I wasn't it's owner for very long!
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Old 21 February 2004, 18:33   #8
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I totally agree about recording serial numbers!

Our boat club house got broken into in December. Unfortunatly I left all my stuff that I didn't want to get wet in a bag, and not in the car as I usually do! The doors were pulled off with a crowbar, and all the stuff was taken - phone, wallet, pocket PC etc etc.
The funny thing was, there was a trailer parked outside with over £20k worth of boat in it - no wheel clamp, ready to go! The stupid theves should have taken that, not my poxy little lot!
This really has made me think though - now I never leave anything anywhere without a lock or wheel clamp on it.
If you're really lazy like me, buy a second hand bar-code scanner on ebay, and scan in all your serial numbers. Most products have a barcode with the serial numnber on now. It really does help with the insurance companies.
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Old 22 February 2004, 19:34   #9
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Stolen Icom

Maybe worth chatting to the dealer you got the M1EuroV from.
May well have a record of the number then let me know I can then add it to our "look out" for list at work

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 23 February 2004, 07:30   #10
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You are very kind Jon, but if you look at the date I posted this, it is well over a year old.

I have since bought another ICOM and am VERY happy with it.

Incidentally, I have mounted the "old" charger (because the scrotes only nicked the h/h itself) onto my console and can now recharge the unit from the cigarette lighter powerpoint AND use the radio AND have it handy for grabbing if going overboard. My "new" charger remains at home for normal mains charging.
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