Originally Posted by br1anuk
Does anyone have anymore info on the engine thefts reported on stolenboats.org?
My own rib is stored very near and would I would appreciate a heads up of what's been going on as I had an engine stolen earlier this year.
Talking to Plod about the thefts from Traeth Bychan today
It seems there is a very organised Gang of 'East Euopean' types that are very active in the UK at the Mo
They savaged the small drying harbour of Traeth Bychan on the east coast of Anglesey
Entering the 'secure yard' by breaking into a vehicle that had a 'remote' key to avail themselves of the barrier that normally protects the Place!

More thefts reported at the lake at Trawsfynydd
This is a very organised and active group it seems
'East European' by all accounts,the swag gets transfered extremely quickly to a truck/ wagon
Hence forth to a dedicated container that whisks it self to Lithuania or thereabouts

Nautical thefts from the East are not totally confined to the area we used to call the 'Easten Block' some years ago.
Our trailer for the 7.85 'Aircraft' RIB was swiped from Dinowric Marina a few weeks ago

Security there did prevent further thefts from Scroats recently
Again from the East!
'Larry' the Dockmeister on duty at the time apprehended some 'Scroats' attempting another theft one evening recently and informed Plod
Said Scroats from the east ( ie 'Manchestor') where 'nicked'!