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Old 01 May 2002, 14:19   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: east kilbride
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 1
Stolen Club RIB

On the night of 21.04.02/22.04.02 our club RHIB was stolen from a country park near to Hamilton.

It is a 6.25 metre Osprey Viper, with orange tubes and a white hull. She has a 115bhp OMC Johnson HJ 115 SLEO outboard engine (white) with a 10 bhp OMC
Johnson HJ 10 RLEO backup outboard. She was sitting on a twin axle Indespension Super Rollercoaster 5 trailer. She is also fitted with an A frame with a winch to lift disabled divers.

Photographs of her can be viewd at and I would appreciate it if you took the time to view them in the hope that you might see her somewhere. The boat was until recently at the Argyle caravan park, near Inveraray.

If you have any information you can contact
Colin Alexander on 07740674560 or through
or myself Allan Robertson at

or why not call crimestoppers on 0800555111 you don't need to leave your

The boat was lock and secured within a secure yard, but was still stolen. Although insured we would rather have it back as we have recently spent a lot of money upgrading the engine.
We also believe the trailer is now a three-wheeler due to the way the clamps were removed. Our club is the Hamilton branch of Scot-SAC.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. Thanks.
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