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Old 14 June 2011, 11:48   #1
boristhebold's Avatar
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Warning - Thefts from Homes

While looking through the stolen boat website at all types of craft one thing is becoming obvious, many sportsboats including ribs and hard boats are being stolen from people's homes. Some being stolen from places like the New Forest or other area's which you would not just come across a boat in a driveway and pinch it on spur of the moment. So the conclusion is that these thefts maybe specifically targeted thefts.

The warning would be keep an eye out when you recover your boat from whichever slipway you are using is there anyone paying too much attention to your recover methods, is there anyone appearing to be following you home !

Additionally be careful of any information you give out on forums which may indicate where abouts you live or your boat is stored and any pictures posted which may indicate where you live.

It might be worthwhile the admin of this site also issuing a warning, looking at some of the details associated with users details marina's in many cases.

The number of thefts from people's homes is increasing.

This post is meant to help and not alarm anyone.

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