Well, we're now back from Turkey and, having checked the weather for Friday, the Met Office are forecasting 3mph NW winds and 19°C (albeit with scattered showers) and WindGuru is predicting wave heights of less then a meter reducing to less then .5m by early next week. This sounds encouraging and Mrs A and I remain up for it (subject to me getting my hair cut tomorrow
From a long trawl of the thread it looks as though the following are currently hoping to come:
Trevor G + 2 (or 3 if Baby Blue not completed) - Blue Ray - 8.6m
Avocet + 1 - Grimalkin - 7.5m
Whisper - Madness - 5.85m
David Dodd - T-Zoe - 5.85m
AJ + 2 - ? - 5.85m
Rick G - Baby Blue 4.7m
Longjohn - Seadrive - 4.7m
Confirmation still awaited from the TBCs and Paul Cannell (who seems to have booked a hotel without a boat: we have room on Grimalkin if required as I am sure do others!). Also the number of pax for T-Zoe and the name of AJ's boat (useful for VHF comms!) would be good.
May I suggest an RV at Yarmouth at 11.30 to give time to refuel before setting off at 12.00. VHF Ch08?
Anyone that wants my mob phone who doesn't already have it, please PM me with theirs (and their real name if not obvious!) and I'll reply with mine.
Looking forward to Friday and meeting those of you that I do not already know.