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Old 06 April 2011, 15:05   #221
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Originally Posted by tim griffin View Post
Ermmm it looks like I am unable to come this year due to a heavy workload.
Is there anyone out there who would like to take over the organising on the Isle of Wight (Vectis) side of the Channel.

As I can't commit 100% I can only offer help or advice.
If no-one else steps-up, we are 99% sure of going (again) and I don't mind trying to co-ordinate the Solent side of things.
My only reservation is that like last year, we may well stay on a bit longer and return the following week so may not be coming back on the Sunday - this shouldn't be a problem as by Sunday it's just a case of making sure returning boats are relatively co-ordinated for their passage plans.
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Old 06 April 2011, 16:55   #222
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Originally Posted by Trevor G View Post
If no-one else steps-up, we are 99% sure of going (again) and I don't mind trying to co-ordinate the Solent side of things.
My only reservation is that like last year, we may well stay on a bit longer and return the following week so may not be coming back on the Sunday - this shouldn't be a problem as by Sunday it's just a case of making sure returning boats are relatively co-ordinated for their passage plans.
Ok well GD has been badgering me over the last few days (he is in Canada on business - nope not lucky before you say-) to officially confirm that we are on for the trip again (not that anyone would have thought otherwise but whatever!).

Over the past few months I have been in contact with both the Dutch and the French RIB clubs in attempt to pull them into joining us, and they seem to be fairly keen still but coming from a variety of places both in France and the Netherlands. Matt originally posted on CapBreizh with an offer to help them, and it looks as if he will need top be held to this as we currently plan on having Into the Red in the UK from half term until the trip back across with you lot.

Currently I have a Vipermax coming up from Vannes to St. Malo by trailer and launching there, and a smaller boat coming from Carteret. Along with a couple of Dutchies doing their own thing (doing the 720km in two days I think was the last I heard from them). None are definite but those are the ones I have/remember from two months ago. I will revisit the threads I made on the French forums and see if any of them are still interested.

Anyway, it's still ageeeeesss away. What's the rush? The boat goes into the water in two weeks time so we hope to see some of the CIers around and maybe wave them off on the Paris trip from Alderney.

Oh and Gotchigran is still intent on coming, although she and gotchimum are insisting on staying in the Braye Beach. Camping for us it looks like
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Old 11 April 2011, 19:49   #223
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I have a rough plan to stay until the friday/saturday but flexible on date's, hope to make it to Jersey for a day or two &make the return trip in company.

Paul C..currently between Grand Turk & St Marteen
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Old 11 April 2011, 19:57   #224
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Originally Posted by Paul Cannell View Post
I have a rough plan to stay until the friday/saturday but flexible on date's, hope to make it to Jersey for a day or two &make the return trip in company.
Has anyone expressed an interest in staying the week and going back with you?

Originally Posted by Paul Cannell View Post
Paul C..currently between Grand Turk & St Marteen
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Old 23 April 2011, 13:38   #225
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I know it's a bit gay and unecessary, but what do you all think about setting up an "eventbrite" event. It would help with calculating numbers and would allow us to see who wants to stay how long. I will get on with refining the google maps so that they can be used for navigation ASAP.
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Old 23 April 2011, 14:30   #226
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy View Post
I know it's a bit gay and unecessary,
Not sure what they've been teaching you at that fancy school of yours, but there's nothing "gay" about eventbrite. Indeed using "gay" as though it were an insult might be considered offensive by members of the gay community.

However it does sound "totally unnecessary".
It would help with calculating numbers and would allow us to see who wants to stay how long.
do you think so? I suspect you'll have two lists "those who bother to register on eventbrite" and "those who don't bother". As with all Ribnet cruises you've got all the last minute drop outs and short notice "can I come toos" which totally depend on the weather and circumstance. What does it matter if you thought 10 boats were coming and only 3 show up, or you though half a dozen would be realistic and 15 arrive. Each boat is organising its own passage, its own accommodation etc so there's no disaster in either case.
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Old 23 April 2011, 14:37   #227
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Not sure what they've been teaching you at that fancy school of yours, but there's nothing "gay" about eventbrite. Indeed using "gay" as though it were an insult might be considered offensive by members of the gay community.
C'mon Poller's, get with it. Everything crap is 'gay' with kids these days. My 16yo refered to my socket set as being 'gay' this morning when trying to remove a snubber bracket.

Anyway, when are you CI gays coming to God's county on the proper side of the Channel?
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Old 23 April 2011, 14:54   #228
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
but there's nothing "gay" about eventbrite.
If you follow the link to the site in my last post you will see that the website itself has a bright orange, white and blue homepage. In my opinion the design and colours of the site are best described as "gayly colourful". For me to use "gay" as a contraction of that is surely acceptable.
Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
However it does sound "totally unnecessary".
Thank you for your opinion. That is why I asked before doing anything about it.
Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
do you think so? I suspect you'll have two lists "those who bother to register on eventbrite" and "those who don't bother".
Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
What does it matter if you thought 10 boats were coming and only 3 show up, or you though half a dozen would be realistic and 15 arrive. Each boat is organising its own passage, its own accommodation etc so there's no disaster in either case.
Ok so it's not a good idea for the harbourmaster to be aware how many boats are coming in and therefore to leave us a couple of buoys free since RIBS raft up a lot more easily that yachts?

It's not a good idea for the small sailing club to have a rough idea of numbers so that they can be ready with the required amount of refreshing beverages?

Again, for either the steak burger lady (forget her name) or Martin, it is not good for either of them to know rough numbers for catering for the BBQs?

Is it not good to know rough numbers so that Mainbrayce know what fuel requirements are expecting? Most who wanted fuel last year made separate contact, but would it not be easier to give them one set of figures?

Would it not be good to know for planning purposes how many people plan on extending their stay like some did last year so that we can alter distances according to their size of boat?

Would it not be good if the campsite could be given a rough number of people coming from the group so that maybe they could reserve a corner of the field to put all the people in the group closer together?

It is recommended by the RYA that you tell someone on shore you go somewhere, and your expected ETA. If one boat does not turn up but we are expecting him, if we know for sure that he should be coming then are we not in a better position to be sure it is necessary to call out SAR services rather than being "not sure" of numbers and wasting their time?

Is it not good that at all the separate RV points the leader knows who should be arriving and how many should be with him?
Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
As with all Ribnet cruises you've got all the last minute drop outs and short notice "can I come toos" which totally depend on the weather and circumstance.
Precisely. Hence rough numbers to help with planning.
Originally Posted by Mollers View Post
Anyway, when are you CI gays coming to God's county on the proper side of the Channel?
We're not CI but we're planning on bringing the boat up to the Solent at half term which is right at the start of June. Then using it in the Solent, (maybe joining CapBreizh's cruise when they're over ~17 July) and possibly Martini's cruise to the Scillies. It means GD can work and we can also use the boat. Then we can cross back over with the floptilla on the 23 july.
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Old 23 April 2011, 15:47   #229
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy View Post
Ok so it's not a good idea for the harbourmaster to be aware how many boats are coming in and therefore to leave us a couple of buoys free?
The harbour will not, quite reasonably, reserve buoys. Neither do they turn anyone away.

Originally Posted by gotchiguy View Post
for either the steak burger lady (forget her name) or Martin, it is not good for either of them to know rough numbers for catering for the BBQs?
We trialled an alternative to the ten-quid burger recently, I think it went well.
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Old 23 April 2011, 15:47   #230
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Originally Posted by Mollers View Post
Anyway, when are you CI gays coming to God's county on the proper side of the Channel?
As soon as I get a boat!
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Old 23 April 2011, 15:51   #231
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Originally Posted by Mollers

C'mon Poller's, get with it. Everything crap is 'gay' with kids these days. My 16yo refered to my socket set as being 'gay' this morning when trying to remove a snubber bracket.
I know I just thought with all that money on education (or do they send him away because he gets on gothidad and gotchimums tits?) That he'd have found a more meaningful or descriptive adjective for shite!

What were you doing with a socket set to get it called gay
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Old 23 April 2011, 16:25   #232
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Allow me to elaborate...

Originally Posted by gotchiguy View Post
The problem with asking people to register is they won't.

For someone who's a member here to "register" for the event there is minimal effort. Even then not everyone will keep you updated! To go to a new site, register fill in details (boat name, no of people, contact number and all sorts of guff that you'll innevitably want). Is a barrier to people doing it. Accordingly you'll have the "official" list, and the "will probably come anyway list".

There is no compelling reason for people to sign up other than for the sake of it.

Ok so it's not a good idea for the harbourmaster to be aware how many boats are coming in and therefore to leave us a couple of buoys free since RIBS raft up a lot more easily that yachts?

It's not a good idea for the small sailing club to have a rough idea of numbers so that they can be ready with the required amount of refreshing beverages?
can you not gather the same information using the normal "add your name to the list and reply" on here approach? if the harbour master isn't demanding confirmed numbers then why would you be trying to be more exact than he needs. The sailing club probably had enough booze for any invasion, and so long as you meet the minimum number to bother opening it will be fine - worst case you have a long queue if its busy.
Again, for either the steak burger lady (forget her name) or Martin, it is not good for either of them to know rough numbers for catering for the BBQs?
and if you tell them there are 50 people coming and only 12 turn up - who's paying her for the extra stuff she bought in?
Is it not good to know rough numbers so that Mainbrayce know what fuel requirements are expecting? Most who wanted fuel last year made separate contact, but would it not be easier to give them one set of figures?
only if you want that hassle and responsibility for some reason - if mainbrayce are happy getting lots of messages then if its not broke etc.
Would it not be good to know for planning purposes how many people plan on extending their stay like some did last year so that we can alter distances according to their size of boat?
I'm sure that information can be shared here but your passage plan will need to be flexible enough to deal with the prevailing weather anyway. Also its a bit chicken and egg, people will stay around longer if they think there are suitable trips - nobody would expect you to rejig your plans to suit their needs.
Would it not be good if the campsite could be given a rough number of people coming from the group so that maybe they could reserve a corner of the field to put all the people in the group closer together?
you want to be in close proximity to this lot? as per other rough numbers - it possible but going to be at least as inaccurate on eventbrite.
It is recommended by the RYA that you tell someone on shore you go somewhere, and your expected ETA. If one boat does not turn up but we are expecting him, if we know for sure that he should be coming then are we not in a better position to be sure it is necessary to call out SAR services rather than being "not sure" of numbers and wasting their time?
I'm not disputing the logic behind this - but not only are you getting into taking responsibility (and what happens if your boat is delayed or you lose / forget the list) - but there's no reason this can't be shared here. Indeed I'd be much more likely to call a mobile (and you'd be much more likely to get) to say I'd had to withdraw for some reason at last minute - perhaps even on the day than send a message through eventbrite. Eventbrite actually depersonalises the organisers from the participants (great if you are trying to look super professional and organised) but means I don't feel responsible for the headaches I cause you.

If you are not limited on numbers (and want to issue first come first served)
If you are not trying to take money (e.g. for bbq tickets)
If you are not needing to force people to share details (e.g. you are responsible for their safety)

then I see no advantage over the tried and tested ribnet approach - unless there was a fundamental problem last year (or on other trips) that i've missed.

Is it not good that at all the separate RV points the leader knows who should be arriving and how many should be with him?
Unless you are organising this according to totally different principles from usual there is no "Leader" only a series of boats who all share common interests and going in the same direction.
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Old 23 April 2011, 16:34   #233
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy View Post

We're not CI but we're planning on bringing the boat up to the Solent at half term which is right at the start of June. Then using it in the Solent, (maybe joining CapBreizh's cruise when they're over ~17 July) and possibly Martini's cruise to the Scillies. It means GD can work and we can also use the boat. Then we can cross back over with the floptilla on the 23 july.
Yikes let me know when , I can buy your Dad a beer and if your good you a orange squash.

Would be nice to see some of the CI's boats on this side of the channel have a spare room , or garden big enough for a tent or you could even kip on the big boat sleeps 4 in comfort.
Shame not able to make it this year but all welcome on my Island if passing.
Tim Griffin
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Old 24 April 2011, 08:44   #234
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy View Post
I know it's a bit gay and unecessary, but what do you all think about setting up an "eventbrite" event.
Just had a look at the site, interesting. But all of Polewertz points stand, people will make the final decision based on weather and possibly level of commitment from others.

As soon as tickets are sold then pluvial insurance is needed, because bad weather is going to result in a lot of cancelled bookings. The cost of that then needs building into the ticket price, which defeats the idea of it being an inclusive event.

One lesson that we might carry forward to Flotilla 2012 is to provisionally book the Harbour Lights rooms out, but that will require picking dates very early in the year.

Once the Paris cruisers are back and over their twostrokelag we might want to look at the follow on event for this year, Sark, Herm etc.
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Old 24 April 2011, 09:56   #235
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Originally Posted by Channel Ribs View Post
we might want to look at the follow on event for this year, Sark, Herm etc.
Well it turned into a week for us. Up to Jersey thursaday, on to alderney with Matt on friday, round the island saturday, dielette sunday, geurnsey then camp on sark monday, explore sark then off to sleep in comfort on guernsey and to see a relative tuesday, then off to Jersey, lunch with K&S then home.

I think Sark was great fun, we hired bikes and did as much as we could. I think we cycled over to little Sark and had a very nice lunch there, with chickens roving around the cafe floor! It was a wonder the waiters didnt trip up! I reckon there is alot more to explore on Sark and we would be more than happy to go again if others wanted to.

Herm however is another option, and now that we have sorted our system for having the tender on board along with engine, we can definitely contemplate that, and we have never been there before so it might be good.

Martin seems to be suggesting longer cruises in the other thread, maybe a hop down to Brehat won't be out of the question, andf that truly is a special place. I reckon though, unless those staying on are willing to take it out to a week, then Sark and Herm are going to be the best options. We made it out to Brehat and Plouman'ach later on in the season last year and if anyone decided to do that following the floptilla, they would certainly not be disappointed!
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Old 02 May 2011, 13:18   #236
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Originally Posted by Channel Ribs View Post
One lesson that we might carry forward to Flotilla 2012 is to provisionally book the Harbour Lights rooms out, but that will require picking dates very early in the year.

Once the Paris cruisers are back and over their twostrokelag we might want to look at the follow on event for this year, Sark, Herm etc.
Are they back, do I need to buy a tent ?????????
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Old 02 May 2011, 13:38   #237
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OKies, how about this for a first draft....

Friday 22nd of July

Inbound passages to Alderney.
Drinks on arrival followed by al fresco Fish & Chips.

Saturday 23rd

Guided walk of Alderney, with pub lunch in town (meeting up with those that didn't fancy the walking part).
Barbecue and bring your own.

Sunday 24th

Passage to Sark, sheep racing from midday, camp in Sark.

Monday 25th

Round the islands of Sark and Herm, fuel and lunch in Guernsey, back to Sark.

Tuesday 26th

Passage to Jersey, via the north coast, Ecrehous and lunch in Cartaret, night in Jersey.

Wednesday 27th

Lunch in Alderney for those heading north.

Trevor, can you confirm that you are happy to collate passage plans and contact details, liaise with UK CG etc?
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Old 02 May 2011, 16:52   #238
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? Extra day in Jersey....or am I being greedy/silly , happy to go along with other people's plans/time constraints.

RYA motor cruise leaves Guernsey for UK on Friday 29th

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Old 03 May 2011, 14:00   #239
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Apologies for a bit of fred drift but for those of you who may be around the South Coast later this month there is the SB&R show at Ocean Village on the 21st - 22nd May, 10:00 till 18:00 and free .

We're planning on meeting at the bar (where else) at around 2:00 each day so if any of you are around please do come along and say hello. A few of us that are joining you in Alderney will be there. If we can agree on a recognition ID I'll let you know.

It's a good show with lots going on.

And it's free

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Old 03 May 2011, 22:08   #240
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Originally Posted by Channel Ribs View Post
Trevor, can you confirm that you are happy to collate passage plans and contact details, liaise with UK CG etc?
Hi All
Yes - I'm happy to co-ordinate the passage plans etc from the Solent end of things.
As it's quite likely that some people will just want to do the 1st weekend bit and others spend longer in the CI area, when we get nearer the time we can work out a plan to try and make sure everyone has a buddy for their intended return time and date.
As for all of these trips - it must be stressed that every skipper and boat is responsible for their own passage planning and for their boat's safety and suitability for the crossings.
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