Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
I have been up the Rance but only as far as St. Suliac. Dinan does look nice; I had planned to go there this year with the warrf. The rib you mentioned is called "Dragon"; I don't know the owner nor if he reads this forum. He has been to MSt.M although that was a few years ago now. There was a delightfully dramatic account of the trip in RIB magazine and yes, he has also been around the Brittany pennisula and back through the Rance via the canal system. That trip was in RIB magazine as well although part II hasn't appeared yet.
For you that would definitely be an overnighter I reckon. Not due to the distances involved, but the pain that is both tidal and non-tidel rance and its locks. We've been to Dinan countless times in the car and a few times by boat (tho never the VM).
In our first year boating we launched at Dinan, went through the lock (Chatelier) and came all the way up to the barrage. Six or seven hours I think it was (if not longer) in our Cadet 2.6m with Mercury 3.3 (now tender to the VM

). We did it again in the Pro once all the way from St Malo in a day, which made things a bit more comfortable and when we had the Pro on the drystack for a year (for various reasons) we went down once or twice, but that was easy 'cos the drystack was well down the river.
In the VM I reckon we could put the airbed on the front deck and sleep through most of it

. Or else get one of the Dutch VM sunpads...
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
The rib you mentioned is called "Dragon"; I don't know the owner nor if he reads this forum. He has been to MSt.M although that was a few years ago now. There was a delightfully dramatic account of the trip in RIB magazine and yes, he has also been around the Brittany pennisula and back through the Rance via the canal system. That trip was in RIB magazine as well although part II hasn't appeared yet.
Yep, we're waiting on Part II too, I wonder if it will ever come now! We've seen Dragon in her place a few times in La Collette, it is a pretty huge boat and it's no wonder they have difficulty fuelling up, 1000 litres!? That's nearly as much as Matt's
I don't know whether you'd be game but I may be alone in Dinard with GM for stretches in the summer so it may help my withdrawal symptoms if I could be a passenger with you down to Dinan one day?