21 June 2003, 16:05
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Bay of Biscay Cruise
For those of you wishing to follow their progress, here is the first news of The Garsides in Magellan Alpha and Mark Wildey in Jellignite Twos' journey across the Bay of Biscay.
Mike and Di left Falmouth at 11.45 this morning and have just phoned in from L'Aberwrac'h in Brittany. The crossing of 95nm was achieved in almost exactly 5 hours with the first half being characterised by a strong and uncomfortable easterley which kept their pace down.
Mark, after leaving Lymington early this morning has now arrived in Jersey and met up with Charles. No doubt some serious drinking this evening then!
Magellan Alpha, being a large cabin rib will offer the Garsides most of the comforts of home, and they intend to sleep on board throughout. Mark also plans to sleep on Jellignite but has only a canvas cover in the forpeak and a blowup mattress (I said MATTRESS!) that leaks. I shall be asking Mark not about the quality of his sleep, but whether he slept at all!
they plan to meet up tomorrow morning and proceed together to Camaret.
Photo: Mark in Jellignite two weeks ago in the Scillies
21 June 2003, 16:29
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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About the photo you have just put on the forum. Are the driver and co-pilot seats stand up bolsters?? If so, do you know the manufacturer. I am after some stand up bolsters with manual drop away seats - can you help with info on who makes them in the UK.
21 June 2003, 19:57
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Posts: 2,511
Sorry Steve.
These are jockey seats built as standard by Scorpion.
The seats may have, (at your option) "wings" to give better sideways stability to your back.
Attached a photo from a diferent angle.
I only know of two types of "stand-up bolster".
One is the American manufactured type for whom I believe Ballistic act as the UK agents.
The other is the new Scorpion seat, the squab being electrically controlled, and I can vouch for their superbness.
I suspect mucho-bucks though.
21 June 2003, 20:25
Country: UK - England
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Re: Bay of Biscay Cruise
Originally posted by Brian
For those of you wishing to follow their progress
That certainly includes me... keep up the news, Brian.
(BTW Camaret is one place I would really, really love to go by RIB!)
21 June 2003, 21:48
Country: Other
Make: FB 55
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Brian is not the only one with the updated news..... I have Mark with me in Jersey after Lee Dare (TW-18) and I hung around the north of Jersey waiting for Mark. A couple of phone-calls later we found his number only for him to phone us passing Alderney. Anyway, we met up and proceeded into Jersey on a flat calm sea. Lovely BBQ down at St.Ouens Bay this evening. Mark will set off to RV with the Garsides tomorrow.
21 June 2003, 21:50
Country: Other
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Mark and Jellignite at Corbiere.
21 June 2003, 21:51
Country: Other
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Arriving in St.Helier.
21 June 2003, 22:18
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Yeah just to add we were worried about Mark only to eventually find out that he was running late which was a relief to hear.
But i wish the guys all the best for the trip. If only I had a bigger boat  Maybe next year!!
22 June 2003, 10:32
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Leaving Jersey this morning Sunday 22/06 10:45. Thunderstorms, lightning and rolling thunder, plus a good dose of rain saw Mark off.
22 June 2003, 16:46
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Well they did meet up, at about 15.00 hours this afternoon, just outside L'Aberwrac'h.
One small mishap so far-Mark left his toiletries kit back in Jersey with Charles!
After an afternoon of seriously mixed weather, bright sunshine, dark clouds, rain, thunder and lightning, strong winds....and back to boiling sunshine, they finally made it into Camaret at about 17.00 UK time.
They have now moored up, opened their first bottle of wine of the day, whilst Mark earnestly scans the shops around the harbour for a new toothbrush.
Tomorrows plan is to start at 08.00 and go down to Belle Ile for lunch at Le Palais, a distance of about 95nm and then on to Ile D'Yeu, a further 50 or so miles, for the night.
Attached: Cameret-sur-Mer
22 June 2003, 17:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
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How long was Mark's passage from Jersey to Camaret? (I'd look on my charts, but they're still packed somewhere in the house in a box marked "Pickfords") - it sounds like a long way. And Charles, did you escort Mark along any of the 2nd leg?
And do you know what route they took around Finisterre? Presumably an inshore route?
Richard (armchair adventurer) B.
22 June 2003, 18:23
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Mark's second leg will have been about 140-150nmiles. For the first 110 of that he will have been running alone.
I don't know the detail of the Cap Finisterre route unfortunately-I didn't do the route planning for them on this one. I guess they will answer it for you when they get back and read this thread. I gather that the route was scenic however (between showers) with a bunch of "rock dodging" going on.
22 June 2003, 19:15
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Mark left Poole, virtually stright south, through the Alderney Race and then on to Desormes, a nav bouy roughly between Sark and Jersey, where I met him. This took just about 3.5hrs. This morning I took him back out to Corbiere where he proceeded on a wsw heading skirting past the Roche Douvres on the northern side. Hew as heading for an area called the Chenal Du Four - I looked at this on the charts and it looked pretty hairy, lots of rocks etc. Mark reasoned that it is all very well bouyed.
Obviously he got through Ok because he rang at about 16:30 to report his arrival. Richard -its time to buy THAT rib and stop being an armchair exporer!
23 June 2003, 11:59
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Day 3....and disaster strikes !!
After leaving Cameret this morning, on a beautiful day, and with a good following sea, suddenly disaster struck!. Magellan Alpha went over a wave doing about 28 knots into a large black hole. The complete sponson assembly ripped right off the bow, back as far as the cabin. Copious amounts of green water covered the whole boat.
Now the nature of the design of this rib is such that if water enters the deck area of the boat, it will pour through into the cabins. Consequently both cabins (helm and sleeping) were flooded to a depth of about a foot, ruining bedding, clothing and other personal effects.
This coupled with the fact that the cabin then drains into the engine compartment means action needs to be taken fast. All hands were put to the pumps to get rid on the on-board water whilst the boat wallowed at rest.
How to proceed now with the sponsons ripped back?
Mike then donned his survival his survival suit, entered the water and putting a rope through the bow towing-eye, ran it back under the sponson and fastened it securely in place using his winch.
Both boats have now proceeded to L’Orient where they are safely tied up in the yacht harbour.
“One of those character building moments” said Mike.
The marina engineers are not working today, but early tomorrow they hope to lift MA out of the water and re-glue the sponsons back into position.
This setback is likely to shorten their planned cruise somewhat as Mark has a deadline back at work.
Meanwhile they are off to have a good meal and a bottle of wine (or two!).
23 June 2003, 12:07
Country: Other
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Crikey - been there done that - not much fun I can assure you! Shows how quickly things can go wrong. How is Di, and what will they do after the repairs?
23 June 2003, 13:05
Country: UK - England
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Sorry to hear about your bow sponson, hope are are well and you get it fixed so you can carry on with your cruise.
23 June 2003, 13:13
Country: UK - England
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What terrible news. I take it that they're all OK and "shaken but not stirred"?
23 June 2003, 13:52
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Just spoken to Mrs G.
Shaken but not stirred I think is the feeling at the moment.
Apparantly the sponson broke free so hard and fast that the brass fittings on the bow, that clamp down the anchor line/mooring ropes, came up and nearly went through the cabin window into their faces. (Shudder!!)
23 June 2003, 13:54
Country: UK - Scotland
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Hope the glue is dry for the Orkney trip Mike G
Anyway I'g just glad you and Di are okay. We await the FULL story.
Keith Hart
23 June 2003, 14:08
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Very sorry to hear what has happened but glad you are both ok.
Look forward to hearing that all is fixed and well very soon.
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