Hopefully the weather in the next 10 days will improve and we should have a good crossing. As discussed for those that would like to we plan to go in to the heart of Dublin.
Once again Dan, willk,and macrubicon are happy to lead us so its single file gentleman and remember to duck

This is the plan they have come up with and i guarantee its well worth the trip
So... the long and the short :-)
Looks ok, but in the centre of town there is a new bridge, macrubicon published a few pictures. Roughly put, the bridge is about 4.8 meters above Chart datum. Rough predictions at meeting you guys at the Kish lighthouse and heading for the liffey would give a clearance of 2.2 ish meters for boats/a-frames etc (on a falling tide)
so... if the crossing takes longer, there will be more clearance.
Navigation up the liffey is easy, and there is a restricted speed zone around dublin port.
Even if the mentioned construction bridge is causing issue, the trip that far is quite spectacular. And if some boats have to stop at this bridge, they will have made it to the centre of town, and have seen 90% of the sights, and would still encourage the larger boats to venture up that far. It is still a worth while trip getting up this far !
Distance wise, from there back to the marina is 6Nm.
Coordinates of new bridge are 53.347605,-6.257411 so if you look at google maps, you can see how far up can be achieved.
Currently there is a notice to mariners operating within the port, re Fast boats and ports
So, in short. Trip up the liffey looks a go, would in round figures expect it to add about 60 mins by the time people get up, have a look around, and get back to the marina. Depending on how much people like to stop and take pictures etc.
Would suggest meeting at the kish lighthouse and separate out into two groups would make the best sense, tired and weary head for the marina, and another group to the liffey.
Concur with willk that if they make it to the marina, they may not make it to the liffey :-)
and that the temptation of a pint will be too strong. Obviously WX dependant too...
happy to spearhead the run, but as normal, wont be taking responsibility for boats - behaviour etc - least I incur the wrath of dublin bay police :-)