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Old 31 August 2004, 17:09   #81
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Hi Dieseluser and welcome to RIBnet.

All being well, the 'Treasure Hunt' cruise will take place on the 19th September, provisional start time is 10am. More details will be posted so keep checking this thread.

It will be good to see you there. Thanks for your support.
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Old 31 August 2004, 21:11   #82
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Louise. I have been following this thread with interest and it apears as if history is repeating itself. Back in the early 90's and after the first round Scotland. I organised the very first RIB race down in the Solent. It attracted over 50 boats from all over who wanted a chance to try their luck. We then went on to form BIBOA and run very succesful cruise's for many years. But and here comes the but. If you organise an event you must have insurance. It is a very sad state of affairs when in this day anyone can sue you. Hiding behind a disclaimer is no protection what so ever. If you post something along the lines "I am going to....does anyone fancy joining me?" is fine, and you would not open yourself up to any potential litigation. If you say" I am organising a trip to.... all are welcome contact me" then you have put your neck on the line for someone to sue you if something goes wrong. Dont get me wrong, I fully support what you are doing and if I had my way, insurance would be a thing of the past(seeing as my insurance company have just told me that Spirit is not covered). If members of RIBNET are going to organise events then it is important that you obtain "Event organisers cover" Speak to Julian Lyas and ask him to speak to his father about it. He has organised the insurance for BIBOA for the past ten years. The down side to this is someone has to pay for it..........Over to you JK, fancy being an event organiser?
Alan P
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Old 31 August 2004, 21:17   #83
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy
Over to you JK, fancy being an event organiser?
No thanks. I don't see any need for organised events as such. I much prefer the approach of "I am doing such and such, and if anyone else would like to come too that would be great".

In this case I would suggest that the organised treasure hunt should be cancelled. The organisers can then make a book of clues available for a donation to charity. Anyone who decides to buy a book of clues and complete them can then meet up for a social gathering and awarding of prizes. The manner in which participants solve the clues is entirely down to their own initiative . . .

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Old 31 August 2004, 21:23   #84
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Thank you Alan and John. The format you refer to, John, is possibly what we will proceed with, as I suggested in my response to Rogue Wave's post earlier. Additionally, the clues can be solved without the use of a boat so it could be completed by car or bicycle.

Now that we've changed the date, hope to see you there, John. And perhaps Alan as well?

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Old 01 September 2004, 08:24   #85
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy
If you organise an event you must have insurance. It is a very sad state of affairs when in this day anyone can sue you.
Firstly let me say I agree with everything Alan says. However, an interesting alternative view is one I came across while living in the USA.

Concerned about the risk of being sued for anything and everything I might do or not do, I made sure I had ample personal liability insurance. However, some time later I was dealing with some Attorneys on other matters and their advice was to have NO INSURANCE. The 'No Win No Fee' parasites (sorry, I mean lawyers) will only go for cases where there is money to be made, ie big business or insurance companies. Suing a private individual is not good business for them so they won’t take this kind of case on. Anyone who wants to pursue an individual will usually have to fund it themselves – a big disincentive.

I have never heard of an individual being sued for injury-related damages - maybe someone does have some personal knowledge or experience?

Andy Beach
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Old 01 September 2004, 08:44   #86
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Originally Posted by Andy Beach
I have never heard of an individual being sued for injury-related damages - maybe someone does have some personal knowledge or experience?

Andy Beach
I do. A chap got sued when he took some "friends" out on his boat for a day out in the solent and one got injured coming off a wave badly. Don't know how it turned out but if it were me I wouldn't rely on no insurance and being too much trouble to sue as adequate protection.

Louise - By all means ring me tonight. Essex ribstahs are getting together hopefully but I will be available on my mobile all evening.
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Old 01 September 2004, 09:24   #87
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Thanks Andy and Alan.

It's interesting to consider exactly what makes something 'an event' rather than an informal gathering - I'm still not sure!

All I do know is that the RIBnet conference Treasure Hunt was 'organised' (to the point of giving GPS waypoints, even) but no-one raised the issue of liability then and I would never have even considered taking legal action against anyone if I had been injured or our boat damaged.

From the experience you recount above, Alan, it seems we cannot even take friends out on the boat without putting ourselves at risk of being sued. Looks like your ribbing days are over then, mate, unless you charter!

Edit: although, I guess, it's our insurance company you would sue rather than Richard or me (as we haven't got any money - house is owned mainly by the mortgage company, two very old cars and that's about it! Oh, I guess you could 'win' Blue Ice!! ).
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Old 01 September 2004, 10:05   #88
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Really sorry - Bill and I cannot make the 19th due to a pre-arranged weekend away.

Hope to see you soon - we going to be on the water weekend of 11/12 weather permitting !

Mrs McP
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Old 01 September 2004, 10:06   #89
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BIG CONGRATULATIONS to the new Mr & Mrs.

Sorry you can't make the revised date but looking forward to meeting up soon. We may be out that weekend but will need to confirm later.
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Old 02 September 2004, 12:54   #90
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy
It is a very sad state of affairs when in this day anyone can sue you.
Louise, I hurt my middle finger typing my last reply. My middle finger is a very important appendage. I use it a lot. As you were the instigator of this thread,can you please furnish me with details of your insurance company before close of business today. Anyone else who has contributed to this thread will be considered an accessory.

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Old 02 September 2004, 13:06   #91
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So sorry to hear that, Dave, although I am afraid that I cannot accept that I was at fault as I did not ask or advise you to type any reply.

As I am not insured for this, I am afraid you will have to sue me, although please be advised that my personal assets total £4.58, a plate bearing the legend 'A present from Bognor Regis' and half a packet of Mint Imperials.

Please address all correspondence to my solicitors:

Messers Sue, Grabbit & Fleece
Silly Street
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Old 02 September 2004, 13:37   #92
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Originally Posted by Louise
I did not ask or advise you to type any reply.
My solicitor disagrees. By typing the original post, you were inviting replies.

Prepare for total insolvency.

And why, when I put my cursor over your green blobs, does it say 'Louise knows what he's talking about'. It's very strange posting as a women when you're really a man. (and vice versa)

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Old 02 September 2004, 13:44   #93
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I guess our solicitors will have to slug it out in court, then.

I still feel that it is not unreasonable of me to expect you to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of you and your fingers. Please forward any documentation which may be regarded as evidence that you did so. Examples of acceptable documentation: copies of any RSA Typing certificates you hold; receipts for 'Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing' software; receipts for gel-filled wrist supports.

Regarding the green blobs, in these liberal days when men dress as women, women dress as men and some even go so far as having surgery to change sex, it is only to be expected that gender pronouns have become confused.
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Old 02 September 2004, 13:44   #94
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Originally Posted by davidmanning
And why, when I put my cursor over your green blobs, does it say 'Louise knows what he's talking about'.
It's not clear who the "he" refers to. Perhaps it means that Louise knows what Richard is talking about. Someone must, surely!
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Old 02 September 2004, 13:45   #95
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
It's not clear who the "he" refers to. Perhaps it means that Louise knows what Richard is talking about. Someone must, surely!
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Old 02 September 2004, 14:12   #96
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aha, louise you are the first person I have seen on this forum with 3 green blobs! well done! not even the mighty JK has 3 blobs (although I'm sure he could have as many as he wanted...backing away while bowing with arms out stretched as I say this). I was beginning to wonder if it was possible to get 3 blobs! how many points do you need to reach such high status?

I need to find some money to buy a new RIB, maybe if I poke myself in the eye with this blunt pencil I can then sue staedtler for not sticking a safety cap on the end. An eye must be worth at least as much as a new RIB!

I hope you manage to sort it all out and get underway with the treasure hunt! Best of luck.


EDIT: JK does have 3 blobs...I'm sure he didn't have those a minute ago...I feel there is a conspiracy here.
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Old 02 September 2004, 14:20   #97
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Oh my word, there are 3 blobs popping up all over the place now! Am I blind or stupid? Or both perhaps?

Long hours at work are driving me nuts.

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Old 02 September 2004, 14:21   #98
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Cheers, Tim! But, before you sue me, I must insist that you do not continue to post on this thread as you may accidentally hurt yourself and, as you have read above, I am already being sued! NO! Don't scroll up! You might hurt yourself!

I have no idea how you get 3 green blobs - I think JK or the software determine this. I just like joining in the chat and giving a bit of help on the rare occasion I might know the answer! Oh, and I like a bit of banter too!!

We think we have got the solution now, regarding the Treasure Hunt. Watch this space!
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Old 02 September 2004, 14:22   #99
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Lou' oopps, just remembered I offered some prizes Having just returned form my holidays it just slipped my mind. Anyway, I have just forwarded, by courier a number of small gifts which I hope meet with both your and your prize winners approval.

Good luck with it all, keep us informed (on a new thread please)....MeMe
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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Old 02 September 2004, 21:13   #100
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Even if this trip is to change to a casual cruise I found this thread helpful for exploring aspects of safety in more formal events. As the trip was to target children the safety discussion was even more vital.

There have been incidents during recent more formal events. By and large they were reported and by and large people were sympathetic, seeking to understand, query crew actions and equipment functions in a responsible way or even offering to support. A very tiny minority chose to attack, incredible as it may seem!!!!!! All the more incredible when you see a fellow boater has suffered harm in one way or another!!!

There are unfortunately people like that out there who see their chance to ‘stick the boot in’ (I quote) and therein lies the danger. Those are perhaps exactly the callous types who may think nothing of litigation should something go wrong. And stuff happens to all of us.

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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